Part 17

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   Ariel and James entered Cecily's room and saw her devastated state. They sat on her either sides and slowly caressed her head. Cecily placed her head on Ariel's lap and cried her heart out.

James: "What happened Cecily? Why are you like this? Did anyone say anything to you?" She nodded no.

Cecily: "No. It's me who is at fault. Torin just tried to help me but I hurt him" Ariel and James spared a glance.

Ariel: "Did you say something to hurt him?"

Cecily: "He wanted to take me for an eye test today. But I was scared like always and ran away from there after mumbling a sorry. And now he is not picking up his phone" She once again started crying after reciting the day's happenings.

Ariel: "What is hurting you the most - the eye test or Torin not speaking to you?"

Cecily: "Ofcourse Torin not speaking to me is hurting me the most" She said without missing a beat and the next second her eyes widened in shock. She turned towards her parents whose face held a mild smile.

James: "If it was before 2 months, your answer would've been the eye test. But now it's different. Why?"

Cecily: "Why?" She asked back innocently making them chuckle.

Ariel: "It's because you have started to fall in love with him. That's why when you can't speak to him it hurts you. Remember our fights? How we would be grumpy after a fight? But it never lasted more than a day because we can't be without speaking to each other because we love each other. Now do you understand?"

Cecily: "Am I in love? With Torin? But how? It's just been 2 months since we met"

James: "It takes only a second to fall in love my child" He said with a huge smile on his face.

Ariel: "Now about your fear? What is that you are scared about? Is it the feeling of getting negative results?"

Cecily: "Yes" She whispered.

Ariel: "What if it turns out to be positive? You have been doing exercise and following a diet for that. Then why the fear hasn't reduced?"

Cecily: "I don't know mom"

James: "Or are you afraid that Torin might also reject you?" He asked and Cecily gasped hearing him.

Cecily: "What?"

James: "What is your exact fear Cecily? Try to figure it out. You'll get the answer eventually" They both stood up from her bed.

Ariel: "Whatever will be your decision, we will support you no matter what. Ok? Now relax yourself and take rest. Think about it tomorrow. Now sleep well" Placing a kiss on her forehead, they exited Cecily's room and called it a night.

    Cecily was laying on the bed thinking everything her parents said. Soon sleep took over her. But sleep was far away from Torin's eyes. All he wanted to do was talk to Cecily. But he can't forget what her parents said. When he said all the happenings to his parents, they too supported Cecily's parents. So he with a heavy heart decided to follow their advice and switched off his phone. After twisting and turning for few hours, he finally fell asleep.

    Soon next day began which was less than a nightmare for two souls. From the moment she woke up, Cecily was continuously trying to call Torin whose phone was switched off. Here Torin was fighting with himself not to contact her. Yesterday he barely controlled himself seeing her two missed calls. He had no idea what she was thinking or doing. With a hung face, he started towards his hospital. Cecily too left for the bakery with a heavy heart. She wanted to tell Torin that she was ready for the test. Yes, yesterday after a lot of thinking she decided to overcome her fear. She trusted that Torin would not leave her if he truly loved her. Little did she know that he would move mountains for her. Torin also informed Mr. Rafferty about everything and requested him to keep an eye on her who agreed readily.

    Whole day was spent gloomily by both Torin and Cecily. Cecily never stopped calling him and Torin never switched on his phone. More than fear, the feeling of not talking to Torin was killing her. She started realising the depth of love she had for Torin. But she heavily doubted Torin's feelings for her. She believed that Torin was pitying her although a tiny part of her heart said that it was love. By the end of the day, she had had enough. After her shift got over, she started towards Mr. Rafferty's office. After knocking the door, she entered. Mr. Rafferty's face had a knowing smile.

Raff: "Hello Cecily dear. Why are you still here? I thought you are on your way home by now" He said with a teasing smile.

Cecily: "Uncle, I need Torin's address. His phone is switched off and I need to speak to him right now" She said in serious tone. The smile vanished from Mr. Rafferty's face hearing her direct hit. But he composed himself soon.

Raff: "How would I know that dear? Isn't he your friend? How can I have his details?"

Cecily: "Uncle I know that you are in contact with him. Please help me uncle. I need to speak to him. Please" Her eyes teared up by her last words and every bit of mischief vanished from Mr. Rafferty. Cecily's tears were the only thing that he could never tolerate. Sighing heavily he gave her Torin's address. Wiping her tears, she got it and turned to go but stopped.

Cecily: "Uncle, don't inform him anything. Or I won't speak to you. You know me well right. So don't" Without another word, she exited the office leaving a stunned Mr. Rafferty behind.

    Cecily came out and hailed a cab and started towards Torin's house. All the while a million thoughts were running in her mind and her heart beat was accelerating minute by minute. Soon she reached Torin's house and rang the bell. The door was opened almost immediately. A surprised Charlotte, Josiah and Hope greeted her.

Cecily: "Are you all going somewhere? I need to meet Torin"

Charlotte: "Oh sure. He is upstairs. We three are going out. Wait I'll call him. Please come in dear"

   Cecily went in and Hope made her sit on the sofa and started chatting while Josiah made her drinks. Meanwhile Charlotte called Torin down.

Josiah: "You need anything?"

Cecily: "No. Thank you. You all carry on please. Sorry for the disturbance"

Charlotte: "It's okay. You talk to Torin and we'll get going. See you soon dear" The trio headed out leaving Cecily and Torin alone. Closing the door, Torin settled near Cecily whose head was all the while down. He could not believe that Cecily was in his house. He was going mad not talking to her and that's why he stayed home. But he never expected such a surprise from Cecily. He wondered how she got his address as he had already talked with Mr.Rafferty. Cecily cleared her throat sensing the awkwardness and that brought Torin out of his reverie.

Torin: "How are you Cecily?"

Cecily: "I love you Torin. Do you love me too?" She asked stealing Torin's breath. Torin was bomb shelled hearing that his love was reciprocated and that sent him into another world after hearing that straight from his lady love. He forgot to blink and stared Cecily continuously. Cecily on the other hand fidgeted her hands thinking about his reply. His silence just worsened her condition.   

Till next time...

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