Part 19

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      Cecily halted her actions sensing him go immobile. After a minute, she drew back and heard nothing.

Cecily: "You don't make me uncomfortable Torin. You can never make me feel so. In fact, I feel protected in your embrace. So don't feel bad or berate yourself. I'm more than comfortable with you" Even after she completed she heard nothing and she frowned.

Cecily: "Torin, you there? Are you alright?"

Torin: "No" It was an almost growl. Cecily was not able to understand anything.

Cecily: "Torin"

Torin: "Can I kiss you?" He asked panting and Cecily instantly turned red hearing him. Yet, she nodded shyly. Next minute, she found herself pressed against a wall while Torin was devouring her lips hungrily. She didn't feel angry or disgusted. Instead, she was feeling extremely shy and closed her eyes. Torin was in another world. The minute, her feather like petals touched his rough ones, he lost his sanity. Adding to it, her words undid him in many ways and he was hanging by a thin thread. If she refused, he wouldn't have imagined his condition. But he surely wouldn't have forced her. He loved her and he wanted to show it to her.

   And he was exactly doing the same thing. He was assured of that when he felt Cecily reciprocating him by trying to mimic his actions. He slowed down the kiss. The urge was over and he was now memorising and enjoying the feel of her lips on his own. After what felt like ages, he broke the kiss when he felt her struggling to breathe. Next minute, Cecily buried herself in his chest out of shyness and hugged him. Torin too reciprocated it by pulling her closer to him. They were cocooned in their own little world forgetting everything around them. After that heart felt content, they broke the hug.

Torin: "Thank you so much Cecily" He said and kissed her forehead. She smiled widely in return making his heart soar in pride.

Cecily: "I need to go back. It's getting late" She said in a low voice indicating that she doesn't want to leave him yet. He too felt like keeping her with him. But he knew now was not the right time. Soon they were on their way to Cecily's home. When they reached, Ariel, James and Flossie were in the hall waiting for them.

Torin: "Sorry for the delay"

Ariel: "No problem. It's okay as long as it is you" Torin gave a big smile understanding the meaning behind those words. Cecily bid bye and went to her room making Flossie follow her. Now it was just the trio.

James: "Is everything okay between you two now?"

Torin: "Yes and a good news"

Ariel and James: "What?"

Torin: "Cecily agreed for the test. Tomorrow at 10 at my hospital" The eyes of the parents teared up hearing the news. Torin just patted their shoulders understanding their state.

Ariel: "Will everything be back to normal again?" She asked with hope filled eyes.

Torin: "Let's hope for it aunty. Bye. Take care and see you all tomorrow" Bidding his bye Torin went from there.

   That night Torin and Cecily slept well while Ariel and James didn't sleep even a wink. They were waiting for the clock to struck 10 tomorrow. Soon time ticked and the next day dawned bringing restlessness among the trio. Though Cecily agreed for the test, she was nervous would be an understatement. She was freaking out and was trying to hide it not wanting her parents to feel the same tension. When she came down, she sensed that they were way more tensed than her. After an awkward breakfast, they started towards the hospital.

   Here Torin was pacing his cabin since the moment he arrived there. As much as he wanted to do Cecily's test, he was that much afraid as well. Not that it would turn negative. But IF AT ALL IT TURNED NEGATIVE, what would be Cecily's condition? That was the only thought eating him alive. He was praying all the Gods for the test to turn positive. Soon the clock struck 10 and he saw the trio entering his cabin. He examined everyone's faces and found that Ariel and James were more tensed than Cecily.

Torin: "Come in everyone. Please be seated"

Ariel: "When will the test be?" She asked and the fear emanating from her was much palpable.

Torin: "In 5 minutes. Did you all have breakfast? Can I order something?"

James: "No. We had our breakfast. Thank you" He said pressing Ariel's hands to assure her. Soon a peon came and informed that the lab was ready. That sent jitters around everyone present there. He stood up and went towards Cecily who was sitting at the corner. He took her hands into his and spoke softly.

Torin: "Are you ready?" She nodded yes and he took her hands into his to guide her to the lab. Ariel and James kissed her forehead silently asking her to be strong. Nodding, she went with Torin. A tear escaped Ariel's eyes and James just hugged her trying to hide his own tears.

   After an hour, they returned back. Torin made Cecily sit and gave her a glass of water while asking her to relax.

Ariel: "Is everything okay?"

James: "Are you alright?" Cecily just nodded in return. The parents turned towards Torin.

Torin: "The test went good. She is just tired. Let her rest for today" They nodded and the trio soon left from there. After they left, Torin called Mr. Rafferty and informed everything. Like him, he was also tensed thinking about Cecily's condition IF the test turns negative. Hoping for the best, they cut the call.


    Three days passed and Torin was sitting in his cabin with Cecily's reports in his hands. He was literally shaking and didn't have the confidence to open the report. As if in cue, Mr. Rafferty entered the cabin. Mr. Rafferty was the only one who knew about the results coming today, not even Ariel and James. Torin sighed a breath of relief seeing Mr. Rafferty.

Raff: "What happened? Are the results out? Is everything okay? Why are you silent?"

Torin: "I haven't opened it yet" He squeaked out and looked up at Mr. Rafferty who sighed understanding his state.

Raff: "Go on. Open it" He persuaded him and Torin nodded. It took him 15 minutes to go through the report and after reading it, he had a mild smile on his face which made Mr.Rafferty's hope to bloom.

Torin: "Uncle"

Raff : "Yes" He said almost breathless.

Torin: "The results have turned out to be positive. Cecily can see again if she gets a proper donor" He all but shouted and shot up from his seat and rushed towards Mr. Rafferty who became a statue hearing him. It was when Torin took him in a bear hug that he came back. He hugged back and both the eyes spilled happy tears. They broke and grinned seeing each other.

Raff: "This means that my Cecily would see again?" He asked almost unbelievably while Torin nodded his head like a kid.

Torin: "Yes uncle yes. Cecily can see again. Isn't this great?"

Raff: "Yes. When are you going to say this to her?"

Torin: "Soon. But first we need to inform this to Ariel and James"

Raff: "Cecily is at the bakery. Call them here" Torin nodded and called them. Soon the anxious parents were bursting through his cabin. They halted seeing Mr. Rafferty.

James: "Raff uncle, you here"

Torin: "He is Cecily's guardian" He chuckled while the parents nodded clueless.

Ariel: "Did the reports come? What is the result?" Torin smiled hearing them.

Torin: "Yes. The results are positive. Cecily could see again once she gets the matching donor" The parents froze hearing him. Silent tears escaped their eyes on its own accord. Torin took them in a hug realising their state. The parents burst out and hugged him tight. After some time they broke the hug and looked at Torin who nodded his head in a yes. Sending a silent thank you to the Gods, everyone smiled whole heartedly rejoicing the good news. 

Till next time...

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