Sensei and I

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They say that when Destiny strikes, it'll strike you as hard as a mountain. But, when it comes to Destiny for those in prophecies, it hits you with all the forces of every element out there. It hits you when you least expect it, and once it does, life is never the same. The path we're all on, it's bound to get harder the farther we go. But, it'll be worth it in the end.


My eyes slowly flutter open, but a blinding light consumes my vision. Eventually, though, when my eyes do adjust to the light, I find myself staring up at the ceiling.

Huh... Why am I staring up at the ceiling?... The last thing I remember is being outside... But, I don't remember the outside world having a ceiling.

I go to sit up, but something heavy, warm, and soft on top of me stops me. A blanket. Huh... Who put this on me?.. 

I sit up, look around my new surroundings and try to process everything. "I'm in a room... that's strange..."

The sound of a door sliding open catches my attention as I quickly turn to the person. An old man walks into the room, holding something behind his back. My body tenses with nerves, not knowing what his next move is. He's so calm... I can't even read his expression... is he going to keep me, prisoner, here?! Am I being kidnapped?! What is happening?!

The old man chuckles, seeing my face contort into many different expressions. He sits down in a chair beside my bed. From behind his back, he pulls out a tea set and places it ever so carefully onto a table. He pours the tea into two cups, handing one to me. I stare at it for a moment before slowly taking a sip of it. My eyes widen with pure joy and quickly gulp down the rest of the hot drink.

He simply chuckles, smiling at me. After I finish gulping down the tea, he then finally speaks. "Good to see you a bit more lively than when I found you."

"I..."  I look at the teacup, before deciding to speak. "W-Well... the tea was pretty good heh."

He smiles softly. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. But, first, how about we eat? I'm sure you're very hungry."

I study him carefully. Should I really trust his offer? I barely met him... I don't know anything about him... And yet... Something is telling me I should. That he will help me. He does seem.. trustworthy after all. He hasn't done anything to hurt me. So, I trust him. "Alright. Food sounds good right about now!"

But, the second I step out of bed, I fall face-first onto the floor. "..."

"Uh, child-"

"My legs don't wanna work. I don't know why. It feels like I haven't walked in hundreds of years."

"..Would you like me to carry you then?"

I stay quiet for a moment. "...Yes please."

He smiles softly as he gets up from his chair and picks me up. He carries me on his back, heading out of the room and to the kitchen.

After a few moments of silence, I eventually ask him the first thing on my mind. "So, where did you find me?"

After a second of silence, he speaks."Outside on the Monastery's steps. You were out cold child."

"Oh. Alright then..."

"Do you remember anything before you collapsed onto them?"

Trying to think back is like trying to understand math, for some reason, all I draw is a blank.

I shake my head. "The only thing I remember is catching a glimpse of the outside sky. That's it."

"That's quite alright, child. There is plenty of time to regain your memories."

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