Chapter 2: Thomas Burke.

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After a few weeks on the train, all three landed in Altay, China.

Jacob: Kevin... You and your navigation!

Kevin: What?

Jacob: Quote Mr. Kevin, "We'll probably go to Europe." Well that's fucking awesome Europe. Such not too Chinese!

Kevin: Listen. We got on the first train. Since 2014, the war in the Donbas has been going on in Ukraine. A wagon with a gun! And it's not one! Only 30! So I thought we were going to Europe!

Kevin takes 3 weapons crates from the wagon.

Kevin: Take it and take advantage of it, everyone!

Jacob: It's a steal!

Kevin: Oh come on! Who is up to this is alive ?! Danny! Get the crates and off we go

Jacob: Where?

Kevin: I don't know?

Jacob: Awesome!

Kevin: Where we get, we'll get!

The three of them take one box each and walk carefully through the city of Altay for a few hours. However, one resident accosts them

Resident: What are you two?

Kevin: We're refugees! We do not pose a threat!

Resident: Okay, don't screw me up here, just talk normally! I know you!

Kevin: We just escaped from the camp!

Resident: You will come with me! I am not going to hand you over, but please be careful!

The three of them and The Dweller entered his house in the woods an hour later

Resident: Please, gentlemen, make yourself at home!

Danny: Kevin do you know him?

Kevin: I know, but a little. A familiar voice, but I can't remember.

All three guys put the crates down.

Danny: But he knows you.

Kevin: I told you before that I can't remember

Resident: I'll find clothes for you.

The resident found loose clothes and the three of them had a bath and changed into these clothes. And the clothes from camp were burnt

Danny: Maybe it's not the height of fashion, but it's way better than the clothes from the labor camp.

Resident: All right then. I even made food for you. Please go. After so many weeks, you are surely starving.

Danny: Wait ... How have you known that for weeks?

Resident: I'm Thomas Burke. And I know Kevin Hart. I was in a cell with him for several years!

Kevin: Thomas? I fucking now recognize you! I thought they killed you.

Thomas: I escaped.

Kevin: Then we're on the same wagon. We also ran away!

Thomas: Well, congratulations, and what a labor camp.

All three did not speak

Thomas: You don't want to tell me. Bite your tongue or what?

Kevin: How would I tell you ... The cump exploded. Only we survived.

Thomas: Oh shit ...

Kevin: That's just my suspicion, but I guess it was ... Mass escape so people can't get away.

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