Chapter 3: We not alone

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It took less than a day to get to the Xiaolin temple, it was already sunset so as soon as they saw the temples on the horizon, they set up camp. Jacob looks through the binoculars at the situation outside

Kevin: And what do you see there?

Jacob: Relatively... Few guards.

Kevin: How many do you see ...

Jacob: Circle of 10 guards, but there could be more

Kevin: How are they dressed?

Jacob: Exactly the same as in the labor camp.

Kevin: Grr ...

Danny: When do we start?

Jacob: At dawn. Best in the morning.

Kevin: They're just outnumbered. We have a technological advantage.

Jacob: They cannot be taken lightly. Brazil did it once.

Kevin: What does that have to do with it?

Jacob: Brazil once learned a painful lesson from Germany, despite the fact that they were weakened and were even convinced that they would win.

Kevin: Aha... Then you can go to sleep. Good night.

Kevin went to sleep.

Jacob: And you Danny what do you think?

Danny: Can we make it?

Jacob: Exactly.

Danny: It should be fine, but something's wrong with temple?

Jacob: What happened?

Danny: There aren't enough of them.

Jacob: Little or not. We can attack.

Danny: May we make it out alive

Jacob: Kevin doesn't give a fuck whether he will survive or not. I don't know where he has such a psyche from.

Danny: I don't know.

Jacob: I'm going to sleep too.

Danny: Me too.

The next day, 9:21 am, all three ate breakfast and prepared their weapons to attack.

Jacob: The plan is this. We kill everyone but Fung must survive?

Kevin: Why is that?

Jacob: Why? We had a few questions for Master Fung.

Kevin: And what did Thomas say in the diary? To my mind, he is responsible for everything.

Jacob: Exactly not. We need confirmation that it's him.

Kevin: We'll try, but if he resists, Kill him.

Jacob: Hurt him not kill.

Danny: Okay gentlemen ... Any last wish before battle?

Kevin: Mojito blend with Beer.

Danny: Hyhyhy. Okay, we get started

The three of them entered the temple, they reached the center of the territory until they were accosted by Master Fung

Master Fung: Hello visitors to the Xiaolin Temple.

Danny: All three of us come from a labor camp. By people like you.

Master Fung: There is a misunderstanding, I assure you.

Danny: That's for my family! Goddamn killer!

Danny fights Master Fung and Kevin and Jacob start shooting at the guards

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