Chapter 8: The Great Battle

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May 13, 2006. Cyclops threw a large rock under the Xiaolin Temple. And all the Xiaolian Four went outside. (Yes ... this is last scene of Xiaolin Showdown)

Dojo: Not too heavy a load ...

It was a battle that lasted many hours. Chase mainly dealt with Raimundo where he then became a Shoku fighter leader. Overall, it was total chaos, it's hard for me to describe. Chase and Raimundo had a very similar level of combat back then. After several hours of fighting, Chase captures Kimiko and Heylin's entire army has surrounded the rest of the Xiaolian dragons.

Chase: I admit... Master Fung made the right decision to make you a Shoku Warrior Leader. Now ... You have a choice ... either you voluntarily surrender and save your life or die like dogs!

Kimiko: Screw you!

Raimundo looked around him and watched with horror what was the situation until suddenly ...

The present ... Jack's house.

Chase: I remember until that moment! I couldn't find out what happened then!

Jack reveals his lost right arm

Jack: This ... I fought with Omi ... I somehow neutralized him myself. You wanna know what the fuck happened over there? I will remind you!


He suddenly glowed blue and Chase passed out. Without doing Kimiko any harm.

Jack: What's this?

Cyclops lunged at Raimundo obut ... Raimundo flew Cyclops, piercing him in half. Then he fought the Plant known Chi-Chi where he also had no problem cutting off his head by himself!

Hannibal: Jack! Wuya! Run away!

Jack with Wuya They run away, while Hannibal fights with the Blue Fire Beast Raimundo, but he too dies at the hands of Raimundo. However, they run deep into the forest. However, on the run, the blue missile flies straight at Wuya. Jack covers Wuya ... With his own body, however, he loses his right arm as a result of the explosion. Jack and Wuya are lying next to each other.

Wuya: Jack.... You fool ... Why did you do this?

Jack: Because ... You are my ... Best Fri...

Jack blacked out after some time in Chase's house, but in the hospital block, where he sees many battered Heylins. He started walking down the block and looking at the status of other Heylins ...

Cyclops. Status: K.I.A.

Chi-Chi. Heylinian Plant. Status: K.I.A.


Pandabubba. Status: SLIGHTLY INJURED

Hannibal Roy Bean. Status: K.I.A.

Chase Young. Status: FINE.



However, Jack only wanted to check one person. Wuya, however, did not see her anywhere. However, he did see her status

Wuya. The Heylin Witch, Status: MISSING.

Jack was so furious that he escaped from the hospital block where he returned home and began to pack everything into cardboard boxes and pointed out Chase out of anger. All Heylin and closed this chapter.

Present. Jack's house

Jack: And then you wonder why I'm not going back! I closed this chapter!

Chase: Jack! I know how you feel!

Jack: Bullshit! If someone cuts your hand it will grow back because you are a fucking lizard! But me ... I'm just a cripple!

Chase: What if I told you I'm looking for Wuya.

Jack: None of that. This is not my story anymore.

Chase: Why did you take in three young people who demolished the Xiaolin Temple? Exactly the same as we attacked 10 years ago!

Jack: They had luck!

Chase: Again, the question. Why did you take them on.

Jack: Yes, but for a few days. But I DONT CARE! I closed this stupid chapter! I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN NOTHING FOR YOU, FOR HEYLIN AND GET A FUCK OUT FOR MY HOUSE!

Chase: If you had closed this chapter for good, you wouldn't have let it go! If Wuya heard that ... You'd get a beat from her. not for the first time. Jack ... We need you.

Chase leaves the house

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