Dead Great Grandmother

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[Warning the full story will not have all chapters posted here, some parts will be edited out of chapters and some chapters will just not be posted here at all. You can find the unedited version on my archive of our own. 

(Name's) POV)

I am getting ready for dinner tonight with my husband, Ethan and his boss Chris Redfield. My husband works as a hired hand of sorts. I did not pay it to much mind. I look at him and smile as he puts on his lucky jacket. It was so old, but he claimed it kept him alive. So I did not mind the jacket. I pull up my stockings and garters. Then followed by a (favorite color) dress. Once that is done I do my make up and Ethan walks over trying to kiss me but I pull away from him.

"Ah ah." I say. "Lipstick."

He then smirks and kisses down my neck instead. I smile at that he is so sweet.

"I better get the car heated up." He says and leaves and I finish my make up, slipping on my heels. Heading down the stairs and out the door.

Getting in the car, Ethan drives to the restaurant. Once there we get the car valet and head in.

"Name?" The host says.

"It is under Redfield, Chris Redfield." He says.

"Ah, yes Mr. Redfield is running a bit late, please this was Sir, Madame." He says and leads us to a private table.

He was going to pull out my chair for me, but Ethan beat him to it. I smile and pick up ready to order a wine when my phone buzzes in my bra. I pull it out and look to see a number I have not seen in months. My Străbunică (Romanian: great grandmother), she did not like phones and lived in a village our family had for generations. I had visited it a lot when I was a little girl. I answer the phone and speak to her.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Ah hello." A male voice says. "Is this (Name) Winers."

"Yes? Who is this!?" I question.

"I am your Străbunică lawyer." He tells me and I stop. "I am sorry but she has passed away and left you everything she owned."

I stopped tears coming to my eyes and I swallow. "Yes what do I have to do?"

Ethan looked at me and I knew I would be going across the seas to Romania. It was a good thing that Ethan and Chris are expanding to Europe. They wanted to expand to Eastern Europe first. If I am lucky we will be able to have it be Romania.

-Time Skip-

I just finished dinner with them and they were more than Happy to go to Romania. So now I would be getting a plain ticket and going to Romania first. I looked at Ethan as I pack. He is putting Rose down. The Babysitter had been good.

"Are You sure you want to do this?" He asks me.

"Ethan she i- was family." I tell him. "There is no one left in my family and clearly she loved me enough to leave all that she owned. I will be okay."

He looked at me and I know he is just being over protective after what happen when I was kidnapped three years ago.

I shake my head and walk up to him pulling him down in a kiss. He kisses back and we get on the bed.

"I promise you Ethan, I will be okay." I say and kiss him again. "Trust me."

(Ethan's POV)

I did trust her. It was the creatures that are in the world that I do not trust. "I do trust you, I just worry."

She smiles and kisses me one last time. "I know you do, but I will be okay Ethan. I love you."

I smile. I loved her to. I love her so much that I will kill to keep her safe. I did it before and I would do it again. She did not have to know about any of the creatures or monsters. I will keep her safe from them all. I would make sure of it.

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