Feels Like Home

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[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with another chapter! In this it is going to be you arriving to the village! Please enjoy this chapter here everyone!]

(Name's) POV)

I made it to the carriage that was waiting for me. A man by the name, Duke. I smile at him trying not to stare. He is so huge! I wonder how much a punch from him would hurt! I shake my head and get in it with my bags. I look around at the items in it. They were from newspapers from around the world. To guns and chem fluid. I shake my head at that. It is a very rural place. I can understand why they would need it. I open up my phone looking at the pictures of me, Ethan, and Rose. We are so happy together and we will sook be together again. Before I knew it we were at the village. I get out of the carriage and see my grandmother's lawyer.

"It is so good to meet you Mrs. Winters." He says and holds out his hand.

I take his hand in mine. Shaking it with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine."

He nods, though he looks a bit tense.

"Yes, anyways what do we do now?" I press.

"Well you will be staying in you, great grand mother home." He says. "She had a home inside and outside the village."

I nod my head.

"Though she lived in the village most year round. She also had a business in the village as the tavern." He continues to tell me as we walk to the tavern that was closed. "We can do whatever you want with it. It is the only one in town. You could sell it, or you can run it."

"I see." I say looking at it as we walked in.

We were welcome by warmth of a fire and a woman setting out food.

"Ah hello, I am Anya." She says. "I am the cook here and a lot of the villagers been dropping off food for little (Name). I thought you may be hungry so I laid them out."

"Oh I am starved!" I laugh. "Why don't you tell me about the bar, we can all have something to eat."

They both nodded and before I knew it Villagers started to show up and offer their sympathy to me. Some I vaguely remember from when I was a little girl. Just being her it made me happy. Made it feel like home. I want to keep the bar open and to part of this community. I just hope Ethan would be on board.


Predator's Prey: Various Yandere Resident Evil 8 X Reader (Supernatural AU)Where stories live. Discover now