Blood Offering?

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[Hello My Sexy muffins, I am here with a new chapter and now you are on the way to Castle Dimitrescu good luck ;3, and please enjoy this!]

(Name's POV)

I remember the tales of house Dimitrescu. That the Lord would look for a young woman to work in his castle for him. They all knew they would be drained of his wine. No one Question it. My family was always loyal and served the Dimitrescu's house. No, I would be a new member to serve and worship this house. I am nervous. I get in the carriage and swallow hard as the Duke takes me up to the castle.

Will I be okay or will I fall prey to the lord? I do not know and it is eating away at my nerves. I get out once we are there and look at the duke.

"Thank you," I tell him.

"It is quite alright Miss." He says. "You best head inside, Lord Dimitrescu does not like to be kept waiting."

I knock on the door and a maid opens it. She looks down at the ground and speaks. "Yes?"

"I am here for a meeting with Lord Dimitrescu," I tell her.

"Ah yes, you are miss (Name). Please come with me the lord has been waiting for your arrival."

I am led to a large dining room where dinner was served and music and waiters were standing at the ready. What was this?

"Ah, (Name)." I hear and jump as I whip around, seeing Lord Dimitrescu.

"Lord Dimitrescu," I say. "I am sorry if I am running late, I did not mean to interrupt dinner."

"You did not my dear, you are just on time this dinner is for you and me." He tells me

What the heck was this a date? I think to myself and he escorts me to my seat.

(Alecu's POV)

I smile at (Name), pulling out her chair for her. She sits and I tuck her in. I then take a seat next to her. It would be more asethicly pleasing to have her sit at the end opposite me. Though I love having her by my side. As she is meant to be. I smile at her as we begin to dine. She was hesitant about the food and wine but still did not turn it down. Even giving soft pleased noises of loving the taste of the food. I watched her as we eat. Her hand is bandaged and I could not snell her blood.

Though her natural scent is intoxicating. She has the most amazing scent I ever smelled in my life. Intoxicating. She did not drink much of the wine though and I knew why Blood. Most of the staff were not very excited that they at some point would have to drink the blood wine. She must feel the same even though she is a local she is still more so an outsider.

"So tell me have you heard of the blood offerings?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"I think so."

"It is in which those who serve house Dimitrescu leave offerings of their blood once a month. Though your family is once a week, they were very devoted to my family and me."

"So I would have to offer you my blood?" She asks. "Once a week?"

"Yes you would, for me and my sons, they would just love to have dinner with you next time. After dinner, we will do the blood offering in my private chambers." I tell her in a low voice and her face goes red.

"I- I ca- yea." She struggles to get out and I smirk.

We will hopefully be doing more than just a blood offering.

[I REGRET NOTHING I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and sorry that it was SO Late! Been taking a mental health break and don't know how long it is going to last. Just pretty chill. Anyways stay sexy, all my muffins!]

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