Lycan Break In

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[Hello All My Sexy Muffins, I am back and the results are in. Now I saw a lot of votes for C which yes we all LOVE Daddy Lycan Heisenberg. So that is what we will be doing this chapter, I wish you all good luck all my muffins!] 

(Name's POV) 

I woke up in the strong cold arms of a vampire. I realized how small I am compared to him. He is at least ten feet tall, if not 11 feet! I turn over and looked at him, he had been holding me as the little spoon. To be honest, it did feel really nice, I have not slept that well since before I had been pregnant. I could not stay like this though, I need to get back and get everything settle. 

"I need to leave." I tell him. 

He smiles at me with such soft eyes and then kisses me. I freeze in his arms. 

That is when he jolted up as if he heard something. Then I heard it, I had to strain to hear it. It sounded like a man shouting. I looked at him and he looks at me. 

"You will stay here." He tells me. "Do NOT leave this room." 

I did not have time to say anything as he quickly is gone and I pull the sheets to me. What the heck is going on??? I hear snarling in the distance and glass breaking. I quickly got dressed and then ran out to the noise. I rush down the stairs to see Dimitrescu ripping the head off of a couple of Lycans. I screamed and flinched. He looked up at my blood on his face and eyes wide. I did not stop. I turned and ran running down the hall, him calling after me. I need to get out of here! I cannot sta-

Suddenly I am grabbed and pulled into someone. It did not feel like Lord Dimitrescu! But he was stronger than me. 

"Ah so you are the new little toy~" I hear in my ear. "Well, you are coming with me cutie~" 

Suddenly I feel the back of my head hit and everything faded. 

(???'s POV) 

This was really going to fuck with that super-sized bitch! Now that I have his little toy. His scent was all over her! It was clear he wanted her to be his, though that was no fun! Where was the entertainment in that? When my pack and I could have her. This way I will be able to fuck with him and get some at the same time. It is the perfect plan. 

(Well next chapter might be steamy but not on wattpad) 

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!] 

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