Chapter 33

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TW: mention of suicide, injuries, panic, medication

Tommy could hear the footsteps behind him as he ran but he didn't stop. He knew where he needed to be and he needed to get there fast. He just had to get to class. Techno said he'd gotten Tommy permission to be late, so maybe he could just arrive and act like nothing was happening. Techno wouldn't chase him into class, would he? Wouldn't hurt Tommy in front of the teacher? It was his best shot.

He ducked around corner after corner, knowing the route already. He had memorised it the day Conner had shown him around. He had mapped out every escape route and the route to all his classes from every place in the school. He skidded to a stop a meter from the door and then calmly walked in. Techno was still too far away to catch him without bursting into the class. Techno probably wouldn't do that. He'd probably try to wait Tommy out and catch him after class. That was an issue he would deal with then. For now he had some semblance of safety.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late," Tommy said as soon as he was inside, letting the door close behind him. The teacher stopped talking and looked over at him.

"All good Tommy, I was already notified you would be. Take a seat."

"Thank you Mr. Watson," Tommy said pulling up a fake smile and quickly finding his chair. He breathed a sigh of relief, no one was yelling at him and Techno hadn't followed him inside. He could get through this. He could. His rib had gotten so much worse, he knew he shouldn't have run, but what else could he have done? Stayed there and wait for Techno to find out everything? No. He couldn't have done that. That was far worse. Far more dangerous. He'd make it through this. The pain simply meant he was alive, right? As much as he hated it, it could be worse. He knew that.

Tommy pulled out his notebook and started writing everything he could, furiously trying to catch up with the lesson. It fucking hurt. Everything always fucking hurt, but even more so now. His rib was feeling like absolute shit, his arms screeched with agony as they brushed the surface of the table, and everything else just hurt so fucking much no matter what he did.

Tommy couldn't say he was happy when class ended. He simply couldn't. It was too much of a lie. Not only would he have to move, he'd have to brave the hallways, and risk running into Techno. Plus, Ranboo was in his next class which meant that Tommy was stuck with someone Techno might have said something to.

Slowly, he pulled himself up to standing, ignoring his protesting rib. He walked towards the door, but before he could leave, the teacher called him over. Shit. This could go fucking badly.

"Hey mate, I need you to wait here for Techno," Mr. Watson said, his voice calm but insistent. Tommy's eyes filled with pure panic and he wanted so much to run, but his legs were already wobbling so badly underneath him that he knew if he took a step he'd simply fall and hurt himself so much worse. He was a sitting duck. Mr. Watson seemed to see his panic, and he raised his hands placatingly, "The nurse told me she needs you to come back to sickbay and I've asked Techno to make sure you get there, is that ok?"

"Yes sir," Tommy managed to squeeze out, trying to subdue the panic filling him. This was bad. Really bad. Techno was going to hurt him. That much Tommy knew. He shouldn't have run. Shouldn't have- should have- he didn't know what he should've done, all he knew was that this was bad.

"I didn't want to call you out in the middle of class, which is why I waited," Mr. Watson explained and Tommy just nodded numbly. He wondered how badly this was going to go.

"Hey kid," Techno called from the door, his voice was gentle, non threatening, Tommy didn't trust it. He didn't trust it at all. Still, he walked over, following Techno who carefully guided him to the nurses office. Tommy knew that Techno was ready for him to run. He could see it in the way the man walked. Tommy also knew, he would not escape Techno. Not when Techno was ready for it.

"Tommy, I know you don't want to talk, and I know there's stuff you don't feel like you can tell me, but I need you to look after your health, ok?" Techno said as he opened the door, leading Tommy in. Tommy just nodded numbly, waiting for the attack he knew was to come.

Techno turned and Tommy flinched back, expecting a hit. It didn't come, instead, Techno was holding out a small medicine cup of cloudy liquid.

"Please take it Tommy. Please. I'm begging you."

Techno gently put it in Tommy's hand and the kid stared at it for a long moment. It wouldn't kill him... probably... it didn't look too awful and... well... it would be nice if the pain could fade somewhat. That would be good. Carefully, Tommy raised the cup to his lips and then, taking the leap, he dunked it all in his mouth, swallowing it down quickly. It tasted horrible, but you know, so did most things.

"Thank you Tommy," Techno smiled and Tommy just passed him the cup back, not knowing what else to do.

"There's only one more thing I need you to do for me," Techno said and he passed Tommy a form. Tommy scanned over it and his face filled with confusion. Why was Techno giving him this? Tommy was ok? He didn't need this. He didn't want it and he certainly wasn't going to take it from Techno.

"I'm not suicidal," Tommy snapped, pushing the paper back to Techno, "I don't need a therapist."

Words: 1000

A/N: autocorrect changed the word "fucking" to "fic king" and I don't know what to think about that-

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