Chapter 135

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Techno Pov:

Techno paced the street corner Puffy had told him to wait on. This was stupid. He should call Wil. He should say goodbye properly. He hated how he had left. He should at least have talked to his brother. Maybe Wilbur would've understood. Maybe this didn't have to be dk wrong. A proper explanation to his brother was only one phone call away. It was that easy.

The moment he pulled out his phone, the choice made, Techno heard footsteps approach. Instantly, his eyes were up, meeting Dream's sneering face. Techno stumbled back, dropping his phone as he did so, terror suddenly gripping him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He was supposed to be ready for this but he wasn't. He wasn't ready.

You're weak. Your never ready in time. You've lost control. You have a job to do. Kill them. Kill the weak. They don't deserve to live.

Techno pressed his hands against his ears, trying to shut out the voices, trying to stop them long enough to confront Dream. That was the plan, hold him here and make a deal. Tommy's freedom in exchange for Techno. Once the deal was made, Techno would let Dream take him wherever they kept the kids. Then, the tracker hidden in Techno's left ear would alert the police, and they would come.

All he had to do was get Dream to take him. To believe this was real. To not think this was a setup. The detective had told Dream there was not enough evidence to keep him imprisoned. Now it was time for Techno to play his part. He just wished the voices would shut up.

You know you want this. You want to go back there. You want to be The Blood God. It's who you are. You can't be anything else. You can't. You are NOTHING!

"GET OUF OF MY HEAD!" Techno screamed dropping his hands from his ears and lunging at Dream, pushing the man against the wall, "YOU HAVE TOMMY, DON'T YOU!?"

"I have no idea what you mean, Blood God," Dream replied evenly, his tone sickly sweet, unbothered by the force being applied against him. Techno knew then that Dream was making shit up. The tone, the cruel smile, the title. All of it was a dead give away.

"Don't lie to me," Techno snarled, "I'll make you a deal, but don't you dare lie to me."

"A deal? What makes you think you're in any place to make a deal with me? I'm a free man, and the police station just there might object to this chokehold you have me in. All I have to do is yell for help and you're done."

"You won't do that," Techno said. It wasn't even a bluff. He knew Dream had no intention of doing anything like that. Dream was not one to involve the police in anything.

"You don't know that, but sure, I'll humour you, what could you, a measly scared little kid with anger issues and voices in your head, possibly have to offer me?"


Now that. That took Dream by surprise. Even he wasn't able to hide his shock at Techno's words. Maybe that showed just how crazy this whole idea was. Even Dream, who seemed to know all possibilities, had not expected this offer.

"I will go with you, just let Tommy go free," Techno said, his voice even, desperately hoping for a win here.

"Who helped you escape?"

"What?" Techno asked, taken aback by the sudden topic change. How did Dream know that he had been helped? Shit. Did he know... no. No. He couldn't know about the girl. Surely not.

"It was Drista, wasn't it?" Dream asked, and Techno wanted to curl up right there and cry. He didn't but he sure as hell wanted to. Drista was supposed to be safe. If Dream found out... who knew what that would mean for her.

"No-!" Techno said sharply, but it was too late his horror had shown. Dream knew he was right. Dream knew about Drista.

"She is exactly why Tommy is more valuable to me then you will ever be."

Techno wanted to question him further, wanted to work out what Dream could possibly mean, but before Techno could say enough we word, Dream's expression changed. The knowingly cruel smile turning to one of victory. A second later, Dream nodded, his eyes fixed on something past Techno's shoulder. Techno didn't have a chance to look and see what Dream was seeing.

There was an impact on the left side of his head, a ringing in his ears, and then the pain came, gushing from the left side of his face, his body finally registering it as the world disappeared from around him, and Techno fell forward into Dream's waiting arms. Shit.

Words: 800

A/N: gonna hope I did my math right and that these last 2 chapters, 700 and 800 words add to an even 1500 lol I have no clue I mean I think it's right but I'm also a silly goose so who rlly knows...

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now