Chapter 140

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Conner POV:

Conner stared at his phone hoping desperately that the messages would go through, and slowly they did, one by one popping up as delivered.

Relief filled him the moment his messages had all gone through. They had some chance. Now he just had to hope like hell Dream didn't decide to check under the tarp.

The car started, and the slight shake of the engine revving made Conner wish he had never done this. It was stupid. It was dangerous. Techno was scared of these people, so why the hell did Conner think he could survive them?

'Because he was here for Techno', that nagging voice in the back of his head reminded him. Here because Techno was always there for him. Here because Techno had kept Slime around just a little longer. It hadn't been much extra time, but Conner would never forget the way Techno had looked. He'd been drenched by the rain, sitting in the chair next to Slime's hospital bed, panic in his eyes.

Techno had noticed something was wrong. Techno had gone looking for Slime when he hadn't come back from his walk. Techno had found Slime, crumpled on his knees, in the grass at that park he had loved. That park Conner now refused to go near, unable to see it as anything other then Slime's.

It was Techno's ability to notice everything about everyone that had inspired Conner. If Techno hadn't noticed Slime's slowly growing fatigue and slight increase in fainting spells, he never would've had cause to ask Slime if he was ok. If he hadn't noticed the fact that Conner and Slime had fought, he would never have thought to make sure Slime wasn't alone.

But he had. He had, and when he went for that walk with Slime it meant that he had been there when Slime's heart stopped, the cardiac arrest coming from seemingly nowhere. Techno had been there to do CPR and scream for help. He had been there to keep Slime alive. It hadn't extended the time by much, but they had gotten to say goodbye.

Conner could never thank Techno enough for that. For the fact that the last words to Slime hadn't been cruel. For the fact that Conner had been able to apologise. For the forgiveness Slime has granted him. It wasn't much, but it had changed everything.

So, Conner was in Techno's debt. He would save Techno or die trying. He just really hoped it wasn't the latter.

The car took off, moving from standstill to a sudden speed, and as it did, the other things in the back came crashing into Conner. What were those things? They weren't very generic shapes and Conner couldn't see them in the darkness. They were cold and twisted into odd shapes and not quite solid, having some slight amounts of squishiness in them. It was bizarre, and Conner had to know what they were. He pulled up his phone torch, clicking it on, and screamed when he saw it.

A twisted mangled body of a kid who looked to be around Quackity's age. The boy's head was crushed in, and blood coated him. Conner almost vomited at the horrific sight, wondering if Tommy had already become a mangled body like this. No. He couldn't think like that. Tommy had to still be alive. He had to.

Conner curled up on himself, burying his head in his legs. He had no where to run. No way to escape the horrid sight burned into his memory. The face still full of fear, the last emotion captured before death took over. It was nothing like anything Conner knew. It was horrid, and he just wished he could get out of this. The police better hurry the hell up because Conner wanted out. He shouldn't be here. Being here was like asking to die a horrid death. Why had he ever thought this was a good idea?

The drive stretched on for an aching amount of time in which Conner pressed himself against the edge of the Ute, trying to stay as far away from the body as possible.

Conner's limbs were stiff from lack of movement and his neck hurt from the crooked angle, but when the car stopped, only terror filled him. What if they were going to get the body out? What if they found him?

"3! Help me with this bitch! Gotta get him inside before he wakes up!" Dream's voice, one Conner recognised well, his previous encounter with Dream still seared into his memory. He doubted he'd ever forget the man's malicious tone. Not after seeing how powerless Dream has made Techno feel. Yet Techno had come back for Tommy. He was braver then Conner, that much was certain. Conner was far too busy panicking to do much else, he certainly couldn't write letters to his friends.

"You got it boss," The other man replied. If it were possible, Conner would curl up tighter right now. Even under this tarp he felt so visible. At any second they could get the body out and find Conner.

"Damn," The unnamed man grunted, "I fucking forgot to deal with Arson while I was near the cemetery."

"Not worth it now, the police will be everywhere, we'll just burn him here," Dream replied. Conner held in a scream at the words. They were going to burn Techno!? Wait but why would they take him all the way out here if they planned to do it at the cemetery? That made no sense.

"I'll deal with that kid later," The man grunted, "Let's just get this wimp of a Blood God inside."

Conner's eyes, which had previously been squeezed shut, opened wide at the title. This was bad. This was very bad. Techno had always said to be careful of The Blood God. Were they going to do something to Techno? Would they mess with his brain? Conner didn't know the origin, but he knew the title terrified Techno.

Words: 1000

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates recently, been rlly busy, but I'm getting there! Most of the stuff I'm busy with will be done by the end of next week so that's a win :]

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