Chapter 87

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Tommy leaned heavily on the door, his breathes coming in ragged pants, terror filling him. Wilbur had been scared. Wilbur had been scared and Techno had been so fucking angry and Tommy was so very dead. He needed to get out, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get past Techno and Wilbur, so he sat, his weight heavy against the door, sucking in gasps of air as best he could.

He heard Wilbur talking to Techno, but he couldn't make out the words. All he knew was that Techno was scared and angry, and Wilbur was trying to calm him down. Tommy wished he knew what was going on. He wished he had some vague sense of safety, but all he felt was terror as he sat, waiting for Techno to come after him. Waiting for Techno to rip the door off its hinges and kill Tommy right here.

Wilbur POV:

Tommy was safe now, the door shut behind him, and Techno was the one who needed the most help, as much as Wilbur would love to comfort Tommy. He'd told Phil to stay downstairs as soon as he heard the yells. He had known what was happening and Phil being an adult was not going to help. It had nothing to do with Phil, but when Techno was in this state, adults were in far more danger than anyone else and they would also damage Techno's chance at fighting his way out of it.

"Techno, I promise you it's not real. No one will hurt you here. You are safe. You're not back there. The voices are just that, voices. They can't hurt you, you're safe. I promise," Wilbur called, his voice softening as he stood in the doorway, watching his brother run terrified hands through his hair. Wilbur knew not to make eye contact. Right now, Techno would see anything and everything as a threat and Wilbur had to be careful. He also had to get Techno back. His Techno, not this terrified, angry version of him.

Wilbur still remembered the first time this had happened. The memory was seared into his mind, and he knew he'd never forget the terror he had felt underneath Techno's shaky hands holding a knife above him. That had been where Wilbur earned the scar running down his forearm. Techno had explained later, told him the voices screamed for blood. He said he had been meant to kill Wilbur. Meant to aim for his heart, but he had fought it. The guilt had stuck with Techno for a long long time. They had gotten him medication to help, but every now and then, if Techno forgot to take it, the voices would return.

Wilbur had learnt how to help him come out of it, but it was all Techno. Techno needed to fight the battle inside his head, a thousand voices against one. Techno usually came out victorious, but there were times were he lost. Times where the voices won and The Blade came out. Those times were the worst, the hardest to get Techno back, but Techno never stopped fighting, and eventually he would return. Right now, the battle was being fought, Techno's terror against the voices' rage, and Wilbur had no idea who was winning, but he did know who to help.

"Techno, I know you can win this, you're going to be ok, you're stronger then them. Do this for me Techno, please," Wilbur begged, his voice soft, even though he was now shouting over a noise he could not hear. He yelled to be heard over the voices inside Techno's head. He knew it would take a lot to bring Techno back, it always did, but Techno would come. His Techno would return to him. He just had to fight back the voices for long enough for the medication to set in, or at least for him to get the medication if he hadn't yet.

"It's so loud Wilbur, it hurts," Techno whimpered, and everything about him seemed to shatter as he came crashing to the floor, tears streaming down his face, his head whipping from side to side as though trying to find faces to the invisible voices.

"I know Techno, I know, but it's going to quiet down soon, you just have to keep fighting it, have you had the medication?" Wilbur asked, wishing he could move over to his brother and hold him up. He didn't though. He stayed, standing at the door, knowing that if Techno lost this battle Wilbur needed to get away. While Techno was still holding out, Wilbur was safe, but if the voices broke him and The Blade came out, Wilbur would need to run.

"Yes, I- I forgot- I have now- I'm sorry- I- WILBUR!" Techno's voice changed from shaky fearful whimpers to a sudden desperate scream of his brother's name as his hands reached to his ears clamping over it more desperately then before. His eyes blinking desperately, trying to ground himself the only way he could, his head still whipping around, "WILBUR! PLEASE! WILBUR!"

Techno's screams echoed louder then Wilbur had ever heard them before, and so Wilbur ignored the danger of getting too close to Techno. He rushed forward, skidding onto his knees, landing on the floor in front of Techno.

"Techno I'm going to hold your hands now," Wilbur warned, before gripping Techno's wrists and pulling them away from his ears. Techno's eyes filled with fear and he tried to pull away, but Wilbur moved his hands from Techno's wrists, to holding his hands, softer this time, "Techno, it's me, you're safe, they aren't real. I promise you, it's not real."

Techno shook, staring at Wilbur, a mix of terror and relief filling his eyes as he desperately tried to say something, but no sound came out. Techno was just staring at Wilbur, flinching at sharp voices Wilbur could not hear.

"Wilbur-" Techno sobbed, his voice breaking, "Please- go- run!"

"I'm not leaving you Techno."

Words: 1000

A/N: sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger for so long, I had a competition that whipped me out on Saturday, and then was still too tired to write on Sunday, but I'm back now!

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