Don't Split Up

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"So uh... no splitting up?" Mark said straining a smile.

"Nope, absolutely not, we're moving forward together" Alise replied, her arms still crossed as they walked ahead, with Mark following shortly after.

After a bit, the man went back to mumbling "Oh right, cause your idea is SO much better... what are you scared of? The boogeyman?" he said in kind of a mocking voice.

The district attorney turned around to face him, looking dead serious "Uh- losing you?! That's plenty for me to know I don't want to split up!"

Mark was taken aback by those words, he felt confident that as long as they were in there, they couldn't literally get hurt... but he could somewhat understand, after all he did freak out last time when Alise wouldn't wake up anymore, but it was still surprising to hear that Alise was worried about his well-being too. "I- alright... we're not going to split up then... unless it's necessary, right?"

Alise seemed to think about it for a moment, but soon nodded "Yeah... I guess if we have no other choice we will split up, but until then we're staying together... you said this is like lucid dreaming but in real life, correct? So... since you still have a body, it means you can get hurt for real... and I'm not risking that"

He widened his eyes, he'd never thought of it that way, that might've been another dimension, but he was still alive, in its own twisted way, and therefore more vulnerable to injuries, or worse. "Y-you might be right... let's stay together then..."

We are evil, we will kill you.

Alise stopped in their tracks, causing Mark to bump into them "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

We are evil, we will kill you.

"That! It... it sounds like chanting of some sort..." she muttered, now unsure if she wanted to keep going or not.

We are evil, we will kill you.

"It's- it's probably nothing! Come on... let's keep going..." Mark said, taking back the lead while making sure Alise stayed close to him.
The two walked until they found two paths, one was lit in red lights, the other wasn't lit at all.
"Two paths? Looks like we might have to split after all..."

The district attorney took a deep breath and took Mark's hand, dragging him off to the darker path "Nope, red means danger, no need to split up at all!"

"Aw come on..."

"No, I don't wanna hear it- I know when something gives me a bad feeling and that red path gave me every bad feeling all at once, I'm not letting either of us set foot in there..." Alise continued, though they eventually let Mark's hand go.

The man sighed deeply, eventually walking in front of Alise again and looking around with his flashlight in hand "I don't like the look of this..." he muttered, running his hand on the damp wall, there was definitely something off about those sewers "Stick close and stay low..."

The district attorney nodded, following Mark, they could feel it too, the air was getting colder, but she wasn't sure that was because they were getting closer to an exit "Did... did something happen here? The atmosphere... is chilling me to the bone-"

"Yeah, there's definitely nothing good about these sewers--" he suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Alise to bump into him once more.

"Ow- w-what's going on? Are there guards?" they asked.

Mark shook his head "Take a look at these..." he said, handing a flyer to her.

"The 'Sewer Cult'? 'We are evil, we will kill you'...? What kind of sick joke is this?" they muttered, crumpling up the flyer and tossing it away "Are these people for real?"

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