The Scientist

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Mark stepped in front of the barricaded door, looking outside "I think the coast is as clear as it's gonna get, follow me-" he said, pushing the heavy barrel to the side and opening the door, stepping out in a semi-crouched position, keeping his guard up. 
"I'll go first, you go second, and whatever you do, don't let a zombie go third..."

Alise nodded, still a bit worried, but glad Mark was willing to help them, even when they had no idea if they could even fix this. They followed him as he took a right turn once they got to the diner, and then went up a staircase "I hope it's not too far away..."

"I'm sure it's not..." the actor muttered, still trying to lay low until he spotted an odd sign which read 'secret lab' and was pointing very plainly at an entrance door. "Hm- well that's not very secret-"

As soon as he finished saying that, the door burst open, revealing a screaming woman holding a laser blaster, ready to shoot!

"Woah hey! Get that thing away from me!" Mark shouted, hiding behind Alise, visibly startled.

"Oh sorry! I thought you were zombies or raiders-" the woman said, clumsily rubbing the back of her head "You're not- raiders, are you?!" she then snapped back, raising her weapon again.

"No, no! We-we just came here in search of help" Alise began explaining "I mean- all of this makes no sense!"

"Exactly! That's what I've been telling myself! Come inside, quickly, follow me--" the scientist quickly said, motioning them to enter the not-so-secret lab.
"The zombies, the time- it's all out of whack!" she continued, leading them to what seemed to be a chemistry room, leaving Mark and Alise unable to explain why they'd come there in the first place. 

"This way, in here! ... I don't think any of this was supposed to happen, and I'm not just talking about the zombie apocalypse, that's weird enough by itself-" she said, stopping suddenly when she heard the sounds of a zombie rasping in the hallway. 
She promptly raised her laser gun "Excuse me-" she muttered, before screaming and shooting at the undead threat, pulverizing it.

Mark went to hide behind Alise once more, until the scientist came back, sighing as if nothing had happened.
"Whew, okay, sorry about that- but that's not even the half of it! I think it's just a symptom of a greater underlying problem"

"Oookay so- that's all very interesting, but that's not really what we came here for-" Mark asked, touching a strange metal ring and immediately getting his hand swatted away by the scientist.
"Ah, no! Shut up-"


"Honestly, I don't even know whether we should be doing something or not because... I'm still not quite sure that any of this is still happening? More specifically, none of this should be happening, and yet it is..." she kept explaining, while the actor still held his hand in pain.

"What... do you mean by that?" Alise asked, still following the woman around.

"Look- a zombie apocalypse doesn't just happen all at once, it's a slow build, over a few weeks, even by the most aggressive of theoretical scenarios!"

The actor and district attorney glanced at each other in confusion.

"Oh come on, don't give me that look- haven't you two noticed the time's been a little funny lately? Things going unnaturally fast... things happening out of order from one another? Strange coincidences? Bizarre memories of things you haven't even done yet, all in the last 24 hours?" the scientist asked, going into a crescendo of questions which caused Alise to stop in their tracks... they'd been experiencing all of that, and Mark knew.

"I-I mean... maybe?" Alise mumbled.

"My point is- there's something out there that's screwing up time and space! Some SINGLE thing is mixing a bunch of different timelines and realities together into a single dimension, they're all overlapping... and I know just how to track it" the scientist said, smirking confidently and hopping to a table where a strange machine laid, connected with wires to a computer.

Mark eyed the thing curiously, carefully picking it up "Oooh, is it a gun?"

"Nope, it's a scanner!" the scientist replied, unplugging the machine from the PC, shocking Mark's hand and grabbing the scanner from him. "It's gonna help us track down the anomalies!" she said, completely ignoring the actor's pain. "It's like a dowsing rod, but for... temporal inconsistencies!"

Alise stared as the scientist waved the scanner around, listening to its beeping "How did you even build such a thing-"

"Oh you wouldn't understand- anyway, what I need from you two, is to accompany me as we hunt down the... anomaly..." she slowed down, pointing the scanner at Alise, noticing it was beeping way too fast. "This can't be right-"

Mark glanced at her, puzzled "What's... happening?"

"Oh my god!" the scientist shouted, pointing at Alise and stepping back "You're the anomaly!!"

"What?! N-no that's impossible!" the district attorney protested, shocked that it could ever be true and already backing away, noticing the scientist raising her laser blaster again.

"Oh yes it is, it's possible!"

"Woah woah woah!" Mark shouted, putting himself between the two "Whatever you're thinking about doing, you need to carefully reconsider it- okay?" he said, as Alise snuck between counters, their heart racing, fearing for their life.

"Oh I've thought about this plenty already! If we destroy the source of the disturbance, all the timelines will be set back into their original state! No more zombie apocalypse, no more time skips, no more overlaps-- we're gonna be saving the world!" the scientist replied, still aiming the rifle at Alise.

"You don't know that!" Mark rebutted.

"Yes. I. Do! Look I'm sorry, but I have to do this! And besides, if it works, your friend here will just like- reset to their original timeline!"

"Or you'll just kill them outright! Say something, Alise! You can't just let her do this!" the man shouted, noticing the district attorney was once more frozen in fear.

"I-I-" were they actually an anomaly? It certainly felt that way, what with all the strange visions they'd been having... maybe if they just ceased to exist, everything would've been fine again, but what about Mark? He seemed to not want that fate for them, but then again... what if they were an anomaly for real? Keeping on living would've messed things up for him too, or maybe, as soon as everything reset, he wouldn't even remember they ever existed, or he'd be friends with a completely different Alise... that was entirely possible, they were well aware there were other Alises roaming in the multiverse...

"Please, there's gotta be a better way!" Mark pleaded.

The scientist shook her head "I've done the calculations, the math checks out! It's time to go, anomaly!"

The actor gritted his teeth. He was getting dangerously close to just snapping. They'd come there for help and instead that woman had only gone on and on about space and time and anomalies- who cared about that?! If they waited any longer, Alise would've been beyond saving! He couldn't have that "I don't- I don't care what the math says- I don't even care if this shitty world collapses! Don't you dare lay a finger on them or so help me!"

  "Both of you- STOP!!"

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