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He stood in front of the door, he didn't know if he should go in. It was his old room, his past. A happy past that he wish he could have known a little longer, but fate had decided the other way around. Finally pushing the wooden door, he saw it, untouched, aside from the cleaning Alfred had obviously kept doing, nothing had moved in the last four years. His books, his video games, his clothes and even the homework he was doing at the time of his last mission has Robin, everything was there.

He sat on his bed and noticed a box full of letters, some opened others still sealed, looking at it, he thought back to the moment he was adopted by Bruce, when he was a thirteen years old street kid, who had tried to steal the Batmobile's tires. He took the opened ones and started reading, trying to remember this PenPal he had for so long.

Dear Jason,

My name is Marinette and I am 10 years old. I live in Paris, with my parents and I go to school.

I met your brother Dick and his girlfriend Kor'i today and they told me I could practice my English with and you could practice your French with me. They are with me right now, helping me writing this letter. They came to bakery, my parents owns today and Dick helped me with my English homework, he is really nice and Kor'i is really pretty!

I don't have a lot of friends, only Nino and Kim. Together we do a lot a sports and listen to music, they like it very much. Do you have friends? What do you do for fun? I like drawing clothes and I learned how to sew, so I try making some pieces of clothing.

I really hope you will be okay with me being your PenPal!


Jason smiled, he remembered the day his French teacher had decided to have them do a PenPal project and find someone to do it with. He didn't want to do or and even less find someone, he had only taken this class, because Bruce and insisted that he needed to learn a second language, giving him the choices between Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish and French. Loving the English literature, he thought about Moliere and Hugo. He wanted to be able to read their art and understand it in the language they were created, so he had opted for French.

It was Dick who had found Marinette, in Paris, during a week vacation, with Kor'i, before going back to train the Titans. The thirteen years old boy, at the time, thought it would be a fast assignment and he could forget about it, but the letters who first came in monthly, slowly began appearing weekly. The kids had rapidly became confident and friends, going as far as sharing their darkest secrets.

Her Marinette,

I had a really though week, with the training with B and school, it's getting harder every time, but I love it. He said that soon I'll be able to start going on patrol with him. Dick took me in town and we went through the type for route he used to do when he was Robin. I'm so excited!!

I also met some other heroes with Young Justice and I think I made a friend, his name is Roy, and he's Green Arrow's son and is a good friend with Dick. Sure the whole team is older, but it was nice to train with them, I had fun.

How was your week, at school? In your last letter, you mentioned how Alix broke her leg, during one of her competition with Kim. How is she? I know she was supposed to show you how to skate.

Waiting for your letter!

Your friend,


He finally finished to read the last opened letter, he took the time to sort them all and put the dates in order, to make sure he didn't missed information. He noticed the last letter was dated two years ago, almost to the day, it intrigued him. He took a deep breath and started reading the first letter.

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