Chapter 23: Caught Red Handed

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Late Friday evening, I wore a slim satin cream dress, and a carton brown knee-length jacket over it. I put on a pair of dark shades with a cream-coloured evening bag and heels to fit. Walking outside, I moved towards the parking lot. My five luxurious cars smiled at me and I slipped into a shiny black Lamborghini. It was my favourite. Turning on the car engines, I zoomed out of the automatic gate with a swift turn onto the tiled road. A rush if excitement welled through me as a thought of meeting Adam played on my mind.

'He probably misses me, too.'

I zoomed to... Street, where he once told me he lived. Hazel had also mentioned to meet her boyfriend, Noah, there. They must be roommates. I guessed and paused once I got to the venue. There were a couple of duplex in the area and I wonder which was it. It was neat and quiet. There were no other vehicles coming back or forth. I just hope I got it right.

My dark eyes scrolled through the environment in curiosity. Luckily for me, it met a passerby.

"Pst!" I stopped him and he took a step back. Walking towards me. The man was a slender young man, with light blonde hair and hazel-green eyes. He had a set of clear glasses on and I wondered if he'd have an idea. "Hey, sorry to stop you. I'm kinda lost."

"No problem." A small smile seeped out of his lips.

"Do you know Noah or Adam Hudson? They live around here."

"Yes, this is their house." He pointed towards the black gate in front of me and someone walked out. I wasn't sure if his name but he looked a little familiar. Maybe I met him once. I tried to recall vividly how I met him.

"Roman!" the guy called.

'Oh, Roman it is...' I pondered. Hazel introduced him on her birthday night. The guy hurried towards my car as if expecting me already.

"This lady..." He wanted to explain but Roman cut him off.

"Don't worry, I know who she is." Recognition played on his face as he faced me. He grinned.

"Okay, bye now."The Stanger walked away. He was from the neighborhood.

"Good evening, Mrs. Beckett." he greeted. You came for Adam, I guess."

"Yes, y reply came unexpected. I wonder how he knew. "Is he home?"

"Yes, follow me, I'll take you to him."Roman replied, and I winded up my tinted car windows. Turning off the car engines, I threw the keys into my handbag and zipped it. Roman helped me with the car door and my evening bag. I blushed at his eagerness.

"Are you also a student at Columbia University?" I asked as we walked towards the gate.

"Yes." He replied with a smoke and added. I just squat with my friends for now. We are all roommates." Roman motioned as we entered their compound. "I'm sure you know Hazel isn't here."

"Of course, I do." My reply came with a frank smile. "I'll go check on her after I leave here."

"Oh, I see.. You're a caring mum. Noah and Felix aren't around as well. I was on my way out before you came. I'll leave you now and go out for a business." He explained, and I don't know why. I don't know why we were having this conversation.

It was unnecessary.

"I won't stay long as well."

"No, you should."He persuaded. "It's your first time visiting."

"I just want to see Adam briefly." I clarified."I was actually on my way to Hazel's hostel, but I want to say hi to Adam."

As Roman and I got to the door, he opened it for me. Entering, we met Adam on the couch. His eyes widened in shock as he saw me. He stood up in a slow motion as if he'd just seen a ghost. Adam was only in a white singlet and black shot.

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