Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Just a lazy day 2

As they pulled up to his house, Bey had turned the radio off and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Can I take a nap after we eat?" Bey asked him after he opened the door for her

"Ma I don't care! You can take a nap when we're done eating." He chuckled and she smiled before nodding her head and he unlocked the door.

When they walked in they immediately went to the living room and made themselves comfortable.

"After you wake up we can chill in the game room, or you wanna go back home?" He asked

"Nah we can chill in the game room." She smiled at him and he nodded his head grabbing the remote looking for a movie on.

Once they found a movie, they said their grace and began eating. Once they finished as she promised Bey went to his room and laid in his bed taking a nap.

Somewhere within the first hour of her laying down, Shawn came in and laid with her wrapping his arms around her and dozing off as well.

It was a nice moment until Shawn's friends bursted through his bedroom door. Startling both of them out of their sleep.

Shawn sucked his teeth once he noticed what was going on.

"Oh shot we didn't know you had company!" Ty's loud ass spoke

"Man shut up!" Em yelled

Kevin chuckled but slowly and quietly walked out knowing Shawn didn't see or hear him.

He went down the step and sat on the couch waiting for them to come down the steps.

Beyoncé sighed and covered her face with his cover.

"Y'all shut the hell up and get the fuck out." He groaned laying back down wrapping his arms around Bey's waist trying to go back to sleep.

"Shit we'll be downstairs take y'all time though!" Ty spoke leaving out the room along with Em.

"Sorry about that." Shawn mumbled in a raspy low voice shoving his face in her neck.

He didn't know Beyoncé's face was as red as a cherry tomato but he knew pulling her closer to his body would warm him up more, so that's what he did.

She cheesed putting her face more into his mattress and got a bit more comfortable in his arms feeling the warmth for his body, and from her heart fluttering.

They were able to fall back asleep until Beyoncé woke up feeling hungry again. She got out of bed and made her way down the steps.

She forgot his friends were downstairs but she didn't really care either. As she scratched her head she opened his fridge to from something to eat.

She eventually heard footsteps behind her and realized it was nobody but Shawn when he tickled her sides.

It was something he did when she was bent over doing, or getting something.

She giggled before being out something's to make a sandwich.

"You making we one too?" He asked her and she shook her head and laughed

"Your body is working perfectly fine, and this is your house." She told him making her food and leaving the stuff out for him to use. He sucked his teeth before making his sandwich and going into the living room where his friends were.

Bey followed not wanting to be alone and bored. They sat down with Bey right under him almost.


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