♥ 1 [ o n e ]

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Everyday seemed like everyday. Daily routine. Wake up in the morning for school, eat breakfast, wash-up and wear my most despised clothes in the universe. My Aoba Johsai school uniform.

At school, the same thing as usual. When I entered the classroom, my classmate's noise were louder than the school bell alone. When I walk to my seat at the back corner, I felt relieved when no one trailed their eyes on me.

Its better for me to be ignored than to attract unwanted attention.

After school, thats when all hell breaks loose and I have to fend off with the demons in school.

What I meant are the bullies.

Walking out of the building, the pawns of the underworld approached me.

"Heh, wow [f/n]. Did you changed your get-up? I swore I saw spiders on your coat lately. Before, it was flies" Bully Girl chided.

I didn't cared about their names. I ignored their words and continued to walk.

"Oh my god, did she just ignored you?" One of her friends said, sounding offended.

"Backing out on a battle I see!" Bully Girl shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll rather not join this battle of fools" I shouted back and the bullies gasped in offense.

Wow, how lame, they got offended on that little remark.

"Well I'm sure that you're the fool here!" She said.

"Oh, I'm more sure that it's the other way around" I stopped in my tracks and turned my head to face her briefly "You're the one who-"

"Kyaaa!~ Oikawa-san!"
"Are heading for volleyball today, Oikawa-kun?~"
"Oh my god! I want to watch!~"
"Please take us with you!~"

The annoying shrieks and squeals of a group of girls were like police sirens in my ears and I just want to get away.

In the center of the mobbing group of fangirls, was the popular guy in school. Oikawa Tooru. Also known as the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club's captain.

He was so popular, that I knew his name from the girls in our class.

I didn't get the part why the girls were so onto him like leeches. I watched some of his volleyball games, and I admit he was good. But I hate that cocky, attention-loving attitude of his.

I was thankful for that guy, Iwaizumi was his name I think, for hitting him on the back of his head with a volleyball or a whack, whenever his ego is showing.

I was about to walk away when I felt a hand clung on my arms, sharp, manicured nails digging, making me wince.

I was pulled back stumbling and I now faced the group of bullies. Bully Girl's face scrunched up in annoyance and she looked at me like an unwanted outfit in her closet.

"You were saying?" Her nails clawed on my arm, and I clicked my tongue as I pulled it away.

"I said" my eyes narrowed into a glare "You're the one who's a total fool to pick on a person like me" I said.

I won't back down on a person like this. Thats the thing I learned from being bullied. Don't back down. Make your point and walk away, never again stoop down to their level.

But in this situation, it looked like I'm caught.

Her face was full of annoyance and the next thing I knew, she bitch-slapped me across the face.

My cheek burned in pain and I gritted my teeth as the impact sent me on my butt upon the ground.

Control yourself, [f/n], she wants you to fight back. And I won't give it to her.

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