♥ 5 [ f i v e ]

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Until the school bell rang, I hide away in the girl's restroom. The last cubicle nestled in the corner had always been my safe haven.

My heart wanted to leap out of my chest and it didn't help with my rapid breathing from running and fright.

Calm down. I told myself. Calm down, calm down. I evened up my breathing.

What was I frightened off? Oikawa? The people? The attention?

I distracted myself with the thought from the prying eyes of the students as I trudged through the corridor.

T-that's her, right?

S-she's a bit...scary, isn't she? That dark aura around her...

Why would Oikawa-kun love someone like her?

I turned my head and glared at whoever said that. It was a girl, probably one of his fangirls. She flinched, inching away even though she's already far from me.

"How could someone say something so disgusting..." I mumbled, heading to my classroom.

"Eh?! She finds Oikawa disgusting yet he loves her?"

"T-that's horrible! It's-"

The new set of whispers were silenced when I slid the door shut behind me after entering the classroom.

Then again, the students in the room stopped their chatting and suddenly I was more interesting than whatever they were talking about.

I walked briskly to my seat, trying my best to ignore them. I hate being the center of attention, it's like everyone's expecting something from you and you couldn't handle the pressure.

As I took a seat, I looked off at the window, almost glaring at the fully bloomed sakura trees and the blue sky, as if this scenery doesn't match my mood.

I clenched my fist absentmindedly as I blamed this all to Oikawa Tooru.

I never wanted attention, I never wanted to be involved with him. And I never, ever wanted to be his so called 'girlfriend'.

Then I got something I didn't ask for.

I've never been more glad when class started.


From there on, I was avoiding Oikawa as much as I could.

"[f/n]-chan!" He called once in the corridor during lunch. I did a full U-turn and went the opposite way.

When I excused myself to use the bathroom, I saw him coming up the stairs.

"Ah, [f/n]-chan! Wai-"


I swerved into another U-turn and ended up taking a detour in the corridors just to avoid the annoying trash before returning to my classroom.

I didn't get to use the bathroom, and I held it in until dismissal.

When the class was dismissed, I practically ran to the restroom.


Just when I thought this day was going smoothly avoiding Oikawa. It all went downhill.

I just got out of the building, wallowing in relief that I didn't see Oikawa again as well as the fact that the bullies stopped for a while. And I hope that they would until I leave this school.

I happen to gaze at the gym as I passed by. Being extra cautious, I hoped that no brunette would pop out and start yapping at me like an annoying pet.

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