♥ 9 [ n i n e ]

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I went to have my dinner at the nearby convinience store. This happens every now and then.

Lately, Mom would complain about the small stuffs about me and little by little, an arguement will rise between us until I couldn't take any more and walk out of the house. And I would not return until it's past 11 in the evening.

Once I entered the store, I immediately went and grabbed a beef cup noodles. One of my favorites.

I went to the cashier and saw a familiar face before it.

I never knew her name but judging from the several times I've seen her here after my getaways from my abode, it's evident that she works here.

She's probably a girl near my age, a year older or so. Pretty cute, taller than me, dark hair, pretty hazel eyes as well.

She would just smile at me and attend to the product I bought. But tonight, she greeted me.

"Oh it's you again" she smiled, taking the cup noodles and putting it under that gun-like thingamajig they use in cashiers with a red laser light that makes a beep sound once it detects the item.


"You come here often" she said with her smile from earlier as I give her the payment.

I'm not a fan of socializing but once I'm in the zone, I try my best. Even though it's worse than an infant's babble.

"U-um, yeah" I chuckled nervously "And you work here often" I said, getting paranoid internally that I might've said it in a weird way and that she wouldn't take it as a joke.

To my relief, she lightly laughed before saying "I work here part time"

I blinked before nodding slowly, mouthing an 'oh'.

"Ah!" She seemed to snap out of her bubble "The hot water is over there" she gestured to the water dispenser at the side.

I showed a small smile "thanks" I tipped my head before heading to the dispenser to get my cup noodles going.

I took a seat on one of the chairs, placing my cup noodles on the table before me. Though I could still feel the cashier's gaze impaling itself on the back of my head.

When she spoke up, I flinched, almost dropping the noodles that hang around my chopsticks, mid-way to my mouth.

"Why do you come here often? If you don't mind me asking"

But you asked me a question before asking me that!

"Umm" I looked over my shoulder awkwardly. I decided to tell her the truth. What can a stranger cashier part-time worker do to my life anyway? Unless they're one of the yakuzas who can ruin my life with a pull of a gun's trigger.

Oh, the thoughts I have when it comes to socializing.

"Mom problems. Arguement" I replied to her question. Her hazel eyes seemed to widen a little  before she nodded as if she understood what I felt.

"You want to get away somehow, no?" she said and I was little surprised "You're in a pinch huh? Don't worry, It'll pass" her smile softened "I'm quite in a pinch as well" she bashfully scratched her cheek.

I sipped up a string of noodles, and looked at her again, tilting my head a little. "What problem?"

"Guy problems" she chuckled as if she found it funny.

Oikawa flashed in my mind immediately. And it ain't funny.

"I see" I looked back and continued to devour my precious cup noodles, fueling me life "Like you said, it'll pass"

But it's going to take a long time.

The girl chuckled lightly "oh! And I'm sorry, you had a stranger meddling in your business. You seemed like a nice person so I went and talked to you"

Do I look like a nice person?

I looked at my reflection in the glass windows of the store.

Messy [h/c] hair, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, eating cup noodles for dinner. Performed like a pro loser.

I look more like a hobo than of a nice person.

With me concealing the fact that I disagree with her statement, I just let out the neutral remark that most people say when they want to make a comment but at the same time doesn't want to.


"I'm Kyouka, by the way. Nice to meet you" she said.

Stranger danger. Yakuza danger.

"[f/n]. Nice to meet you too, I guess" I responded to her introduction and I think I heard her giggle.

"Well you're welcome to have your dinner here if ever you got in an arguement with your mom again" she smiled.

After that, she left me in silence as I continued to eat my cup noodles dinner until I left the store where she bid be goodbye.


Good thing I brought with me the house key and that I wouldn't go through the trouble of knocking on the door. Or spending the night outside because my mom wouldn't let me in, or being mistaken for a burglar if I attempted to climb to my room.

As silent as I could, I unlocked the front door and stepped in inside, gently shutting the door behind me.

I tip-toed up the stairs and slipped into my room with only the sound of my door closing.

I sighed before flopping on my bed. I checked my phone for the time and it was past eleven.


I blinked as a message popped up. It was from Oikawa.

I didn't get messages often. My inbox is filled with messages from my phone carrier regarding promos, Mom, scam texts and random people I don't know who texted the wrong number.

I recalled exchanging numbers with him earlier and I set his name to 'random trash who bothers u'

I tapped the message.

'Have a good night, bb! 😘❤❤💖 don't stay up too late just like I did! Haha 😂😂 get some rest! Because tomorrow, you're my girl 😘😉😘😉'

I buried my red face into my hands and rubbed my cheeks as if it could remove my embarassment.

He uses too much emojis my god.

I had second thoughts before replying.
'stfu and go to sleep bakawa'

I shut my phone and placed it on the nightstand by my bed before nestling in the comforters for my slumber.

But before I caught the z's, I heard the door open gently accompanied by my Mom's gentle voice, in contrast to her tone earlier before I went to the store.


I said nothing in reply, pretending to be asleep.

I heard her sigh. Most probably in relief before closing the door. Even after our fights and my rendevous with the convinience store, she would check up on me in my room by the time I'm in bed.

My heart warmed at the thought of her concern. But it was quickly replaced by my slumber, slowly taking me to tomorrow wherein things weren't the same as yesterday.


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