♥ 4 [ f o u r ]

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Today at lunch time, Oikawa shouted to the whole school how much he loves me.

I stood there beside him, and I'm certain that I'm feeling sick.

I didn't remember saying yes to him, all I remember is seeing him waiting outside the station when I got off the train.

I avoided his gaze, continuing to walk forth as quickly as I could until I heard him shout.

"Eh? [f/n]-chan? Is that a way to treat your boyfriend?" I heard his footsteps, running up behind me. I clenched my fist and accelerated my pace.

"[f/n]! Wait up!" He said, effortlessly catching up beside me. He huffed, laughing lightly "Aren't couples supposed to walk alongside each other?..." He asked, leaning closer to me until our shoulders brush.

I was about to shove him away but he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together into a perfect hold. Though his hand was a bit larger than mine.


I gritted my teeth and tightened my grip around his hand that held mine until I was gripping and squeezing his fingers. As if all of my resentment oozed out of my hand and I have to make Oikawa feel it.

"Hey, listen here, I am not your girlfriend, trash!" I fumed, my cheeks burning and letting go of his hands.

Oikawa trembled, small tears pooling at the corners of his brown eyes, like a child on the verge of crying.

"That hurts, [f-f/n]-chan! That was my good hand" he pouted, rubbing his right hand like it would soothe it.

"Why are you assuming I'm your girlfriend? I didn't say yes to your offer nor did you ever liked me in the whole history of your life!" I advanced forward, hoping to see the school gate.

Oikawa skipped and caught up on my pace effortlessly as if he's just walking on air. He had that cocky smile again, that smile I want to see face-first on the dirt.

"Psh, I'm not like that, [f/n]-chan~" Oikawa said "Of course I like you"

I don't know why but something about that statement made me stop in my tracks. As if one last light of hope flickered inside, that maybe, maybe he was saying the truth. Maybe Oikawa likes me.

But of course. I knew better.


I turned to him, making my expression blank as possible. Oikawa still stood there, his smile never leaving his face.

"Oikawa-san, considering you like me, meaning you accept every ounce of imperfection in me. Oh, let's see, if you do, like leads to love. When you love, you'll have to accept this whole package of imperfection" I said, gesturing to myself as I took a step towards him. He still stood there, his smile growing into a smirk.

"So, let me ask you again, are you sure you like this person" she said, pointing to herself "who just kept pushing you away, who despises you completely. This person who almost crushed your precious hand used for volleyball" I glared, drawing closer up to the point where I glowered straight at his face. Our noses were a few inches away.

He smirked eitherway, that face, and now I had to restrain myself. My knuckles were turning white from clenching, as if waiting for a signal to throw a punch. I was afraid of whatever is going to happen to him here in the broad daylight.

"Of course I'm sure. Isn't that the point of liking someone? To accept their flaws and see the good in them? Oh wait, scratch that, that's more like loving"

I stared at him, eyes wide. Feeling inside me that I was burned. Impossible, he's lying, I know he is.

"Trash" I flicked his forehead with my finger and ran off, hoping to reach the school before him.

But then again, he caught up. Running along beside me until we looked like we're racing head-on to the finish line in a running marathon.

But before we could reach the school gates, Oikawa suddenly grabbed my wrist, laughing lightly.

"Come on, I'll show you!~" he said before pulling me along with him as he ran.

"O-oikawa!" I tried to resist, trying to plant my foot onto the ground to stop myself but in the end, I was dragged around helplessly to wherever he was going in the Aoba Johsai Campus.

Fangirls shrieked when they saw him but they stopped immediately when they saw me in tow, as if I was a silencer to their screams.

I saw Oikawa wink at them and I swore I saw one of the girls faint.

I would faint for sure, out of disgust that is.

He ran up to the main campus on the mini courtyard at the center of the school. All around, the building towered over us, it was the spot where all of the students in the whole school could see you from the windows up in the hallways of every floor.

Oikawa dragged me behind as students and teachers gave us weird or confused looks. I ignored them.

If it was just Oikawa running, they wouldn't look at him in way such as this.

Oikawa stood at the center of the courtyard, his hands going to my shoulders. He gave me a close-eyed smile. That's when it hit me.

Is he going to do what I think he's going to do?!

"Oikawa, dont-!!?"

"I told you, [f/n]-chan, I'll show you" before I could stop him, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice boomed, echoing up for all of the students and teachers to hear

"I love you, [f/n] [l/n]!!!"

My face burned red. I could've fainted in embarrassment and disbelief on the spot if I didn't left. And so I did.

I ran off furiously, running away from the scene. From the attention that I was fleeing from ever since.

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