6. Purple flowers

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When I woke in the morning, Izuna was already awake, looking at me.

His face, I was relieved to notice, was dry from tears, and his eyes displayed a soft curiosity.

I raised my hand, tucked a string of his hair behind his ear over and over, and he started caressing my cheek. We did this, touching the other gently while allowing me to wake up, to drift back into a reality that I realised was so, so difficult in so, so many ways.

"I'm so sorry, Izuna", I murmured. "I did you wrong."

"I'm sorry, too", he said. "I should have rejected Hashirama."

"No", I said, shaking my head. "You've done nothing wrong. If he approaches you, you do exactly what you did, which is to be friendly. I want that for you. For both of you. I can take care of my jealousy." Izuna looked down a little and nodded. I put a finger beneath his chin, forced him to look at me. "And I will never, ever swear at you again. Ever. Do you understand?"

He nodded, looking at me.

I hugged him to me then, his bare chest against the light fabric on my body; I was a dressed sleeper whereas my little brother was not.

We held each other, letting morning consume us.

A little way away from our spot at the Nakano river was a forest.

Deep within that forest was a beautiful glade, an open area that was small enough for the branches of the surrounding trees to touch each other on top, creating a roof of leaves that allowed the sun to shine through only slightly, to cast a beautiful glitter on the greenery.

The glade was, during this time of year, filled with small spruces and leafy trees trying to grow up, and a heavy coat of small, purple flowers.

That was where I lay now, a piece of grass in my mouth, my arms beneath my head, looking up at the green glitter.

I had been training for three hours, cleansing my mind, exhausting my body, and I now let my body enjoy a well-needed rest while I let my mind spin into a soft vortex, allowing them to detangle to the best of their abilities without me interfering. Mostly, the thoughts were about Izuna and my love for him, but I also thought about...

So occupied was I in my own mind that I didn't notice him until he spoke.

"I thought I'd find you here."

I jerked and sat up. There he stood, smiling at me, dressed in leisurely clothes, his hair clean and gleaming, making me feel awfully scruffy as I was covered in dried sweat and smelled of soot due to all the fire I had been surrounded with as I trained.

He came to me and sat down, looking straight ahead, frowning. Something was up with him.

"What has happened?" I asked, suddenly worried.

And he turned to me, and he leaned in.

And before I had time to even understand what was happening, he had his lips on mine.

It was over before I understood what he'd done. I was staring at him, his face closer to me than ever before, his mouth set, a determination in his eyes I had never seen before, not even during sharp battle.

"Hashi..." I whispered.

"Madara", he murmured.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me for another kiss.

And he put his hand on the back of my neck and pressed me closer.

We kissed, two starving twenty-year-olds exploring another human being for the first time. I opened my mouth to his, and a moan escaped me as he licked my tongue.

We lay down in the greenery, him on top of me, his beauty unmatched even by the flowers around us.

We were naked within seconds, and he'd scooped me up into his lap, hugging me close to his naked skin, the first time I felt it against mine, but we must have done this in a previous lifetime because it felt like home.

"Touch me", I whispered into his ear, blushing.

"Here?" Hashirama asked, putting a hand on my waist, caressing it.

"No..." I whined.

And he understood.

He lifted me off his lap and gently placed me on my back among all those flowers. With his eyes on mine, he encircled me with a long, slender finger. I was a blushing, panting, sweaty mess, and when he pushed his finger in, I whimpered pathetically.

He moved his finger playfully inside me, and I had to grab the grass around me to be able to stand the immense things the man did inside my body. I arched my back, my body's way of telling him I wanted more.

"You are so beautiful", he said. "You are so beautiful when I give you pleasure."

He hugged me close to him when he finally put his tip to me and pushed himself in. I sling my arms around his strong shoulder blades, clawed his back as he rode me. I moaned rhythmically as he fucked me, and he grunted.

And the beautiful glade was made my favourite place on earth as he breathed hotly into my ear, and I breathed hotly into his, as he made love to me slowly among the beautiful flowers providing the backdrop for the entity that was both of our bodies in exactly that moment.

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