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Namjoon- Jungkook you are in love with your husband

Jungkook - What?? I am in love ????? No I am not ...I mean how can I??

Namjoon- okay tell me do you feel butterfly in your stomach when you are with Taehyung?

Jungkook- yea-na..I mean yeah I d-do

Namjoon-think about it bro ... think about it yourself

Jk- but--(he cut off when bell rang)

Jk- let's go everyone we have to take other classes too

Others- yeah

Namjoon- yeah,... let's go but kook think about it

Jungkook pov:
Idk what i Will do.... maybe I am in love..or I am not.. but hyung was right I like to spend time with Taehyung..I like to be with him ..but when I see him with someone else I feel myself burning and mostly I Feel safe, I feel love ,I feel everything was alright...ahhhhhhh!!!! What you did to Taehyung..

Author pov:
Jungkook was thinking about his feeling but soon student starts to come in the class making his mind divert!

Jungkook- okay class get ready!

Taehyung is also having the same after a min he came in the class

Tae- may I came in sir?

Jk-what are you doing this late

Tae-sir I was eating

Jk- this late?

Tae- yeah! Sorry sir I will not be late again

Jk- okay I am leaving you this time! Okay?

Tae- yes sir,Thank you!

Jk pov:
I was teaching but I noticed Taehyung was not there...where is he? ...
But suddenly Taehyung came in ...but I can see Taehyung was not looking okay... something was wrong..but he is not telling...umm I will ask him later..

But then I saw Taehyung was not consecrating in the class..which made me a bit angry...he is already not good at maths and now he is not consecrating

Jk- Mr Kim where is your mind huh? ( Told in very Angry voice)

Tae- S-orry s-ir (he got afraid by jk's voice)

Jk- what sorry huh? How much you got in maths ha?

Tae- Sir ..I was (tae got teary but he control)

Jk- you are not that good in math still you are not consecrating...

Tae- Sir .. okay sir!

Author pov:
The class ended soon ... everyone has gone except Jk and Tae!

Jk- Hmm okay Mr Kim ...let's start your detention!

Tae-yes sir

Time skip~~~~ cause why not 😂🙄

Jk- your detention is over! You may go

Tae- okay sir, Thank you!

Jungkook pov
He said and ran away.. what happened to him today..I should ask him or not what if he is not comfortable to share it with me or not??? Ahh ughhhhh what should I do??!?!!?

I was coming out of the school...but I saw Taehyung standing at the bus I goes towards him

Jk- Taehyung come with is here.. nobody will know you are going with me

Tae- okay sir

Jk- school is over Tae

Tae- oh sorry kook

Then we sat on our car and I starts to drive. I thought Tae to ask what was up to him today

Jk- what happened to you today?

Tae-nothing happened why

Jk- ik you are lying..are you not comfortable to share it with me

Tae- no really I am ..I was just feeling down

Jk- oh okay to cheer up your mood I will take you to ice-cream parlour.

I can feel Tae eyes sparked in happiness

Tae- reallyyyyyy

Jk- yes let's go

To be continued

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