Not that weak b*tch

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Next morning

Jeon couple did there morning routine and left.
Jungkook was the first one...he went to his cabinet and Taehyung was going to his locker for books. he turn around when he felt a tight grip on his hair ..he hiss and saw liya

Tae-  what the heck Liya .. what's your problem?

Liya- You are the problem

Tae- what do you mean ?

Liya- Don't try to be innocent .. what are you doing with my boyfriend yesterday??

Tae- what?? I am not with your boyfriend and I don't even know who is that.

Liya- ohhh then what's this? Huh? *Showing the pic of taehyung and Jungkook going in the same car*

Tae- what..what is this and when Mr jeon became your boyfriend? *He said laughing*

Liya- stop laughing taehyung he is my boyfriend My daddy and you fatfog is just trying to seduce him *rn taehyung is laughing while rolling*

Liya rise her hand to slap him but taehyung hold her hand and slap her instead
Liya fell on the ground

Tae- I am not a weak, bitch ...if I am not telling anything that doesn't mean you can mess around me and and and one more thing if your boyfriend loves you then why he will come to me huh?

Liya stands up in rage

Liya- because you are seducing him you hoe

Tae-oh so you agree I have a better and beautiful body.. well ik that

Liya- youuuu *she raise her hand again*

But she got another slap from taehyung *😂😂*

Tae- don't think if you are a girl then you can do anything ..


A third voice interrupted.. and unfortunately or fortunately it was JEON JUNGKOOK

Liya saw Jungkook from far she start fake crying

Jungkook- what's happening her and Liya why are you on floor?

Liya- sir taehyung slapped me twice

Jungkook- did you Taehyung

Tae- *didn't say anything because he did slap her but for a reason.*

Jungkook- say Mr Kim ...did you slap Miss Liya?

Tae- Yes but for a reason

Liya- No sir he always bully me ... everyday *she says while faking*

Jungkook- both of you in my cabinet now

They both glare at each other and went to the cabinet

Jungkook- Now tell

Liya- sir he always bully me and other children.. always create problems

Tae-no sir she is lieing she is the one ...who bully everyone

Jungkook- listen you two this is the last time ..if you ever did that again I will take both of you to the principal

Both- yes sir

Jungkook-now go

They went-

Liya- i will see you taehyung
Tae-keep seeing me I am here only..(he said being sassy)

In the class room

Teacher kyun- there is a class test tomorrow

Student grown but said okay .. they don't have any other choice tho 🥲

Bell rang and everyone went home ..

Taehyung came home alone as Jungkook was having some work...after that chaotic time he didn't met Jungkook yet

Taehyung ate and started studying for his science test

Jungkook came later and saw Taehyung is studying but but but He was really angry rn ...First taehyung's fight and now there was a problem in his mafia work (some people leak his some info)
But he calm himself down and went to his bedroom ignoring taehyung Because he knows if he talks to taehyung rn he gonna brust out badly

Taehyung studied hard till 1am and Jungkook well he slept not before checking on Taehyung.

To be continued!

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Here some memes for you all

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Aww possessive taetae

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Obio he need to check on his baby

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