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The next morning
Both Taekook were sleeping while hugging each other that's when Kook wake up first.

Kook- ahh it's morning already (he felt heavy on chest) aw look this big baby here

Kook starts to wake tae up

Kook- Wale up baby you gonna be late for school and uk something today you gonna get your result

Tae- whattt????

Kook- what happened why are you so nervous you said you did well rt?

Tae- yes I did kook and I am not nervous at all it was just so sudden that why I reacted like that

Kook- okay get ready already we have to leave

Tae- you can go I will come with Jimin

Kook- you sure

Tae- yeah

Kook- okay

And kook did his morning routine and left

On the other side tae was calling Jimin
In call:
Jimin - aaahhh whatsssuppp bitchhh I missed you

Tae- are you still drunk

Jimin- no bitch why

Tae- then why the fuck are you shouting

Jimin- you are the one who shouting

Tae- aah oaky leave it pick me up

Jimin- why where your hot husband

Tae- I told him I will go with you

Jimin- okay bitch get ready i am coming to you

After that they went to collage and after that to the class

In the class -

Jk came inside all the students greeted him.

Jk - okay class as you know that today I am going to give your result and you all made me so disappointed

Whole class face paled

Jk- didn't I teach you everything then why why is your result not good
Except Lisa who have scored the highest you all have done poorly.

The class gasped

Jk- and mainly Mr kim you have got the lowest or if I will tell truthfully you failed examination

Tae- whattt no sir I studied really hard but

Jk- what but Mr kim you are a average student but this time you have failed !!

Tae-  sir but how can I

Jk- how can you obio you didn't study..

Tae- but sir I did ( his voice came out weakly he was at the verg of crying)

Jk- oh really then where's the result? Huh? This is how you studied?

Tae-  Sir I-

Jk-just shutdown Mr kim

Taehyung did't argue anymore he is sat down looking at his lap
Soon jk started teaching and he did't pay a little attention towards Taehyung

Bell rang and the class ended

When jungkook left Lisa came towards Taehyung

Lisa- oh poor baby failed this exam I feel so sorry lol I don't bitch you deserve

Tae- you have done something don't you? (Taehyung said rising his head)

Lisa- I? (Lisa said while pointing towards herself) Oh no

Tae- bitch don't lie ik you have done something

Lisa- yes I have done something what will you do bitch??

Tae spring up from his seat and slapped Lisa hardly making her lip bleed
Lisa gasped and she also jumped on taehyung
Both started fighting.. taehyung punched her but unfortunately that's when Jungkook came


Lisa- sir taehyung.. taehyung was jealous and he spring up to slap me

Tae- what the heck I will be jealous

Lisa- because you failed and topped

Tae- you don't you have cheated

Jungkook - you both shup up I am literally standing here and you are still fighting come with me let's go to the principal office

After reaching the principle office
They told everything that happened

Principal - taehyung really I didn't expect that from you

Tae- sir I didn't she is the one

Principal - but why will she do that?

Taehyung knew but he couldn't answer what will he answer that jk is his husband and Lisa is fighting with him for that

Principal - answer?

Tae- I don't know

Principal - really Taehyung!

Lisa was smiling in victory but no one noticed her

Principle- you both say sorry to each other and leave!

Lisa- but sir why should I?

Principal- just do what I say

Both of them apologized to each other!
Time thought that this matter ended here but he don't know how angry Jungkook was!!

University over and Taehyung came home! Later on junkood came and called taehyung


tae- what-what happened kookie

Jk- don't you dare to call me that... what you have told you . You tried really hard you studied then what is this result huh??

Tae- trust me jk I did that lis-

Jk- don't you dare don't put allegation on someone else it is your fault and you should accept it

Tae- but listen to m-

Jk- (cutted him) WHAT SHOULD I LISTEN?

Jk- you know what u really thought you gonna do well I thought you can improve but what you are doing to deproving yourself more and more ... You are such a disappointment

Tae- Wh-at? (At this time Taehyung was broken)

Jk- you should get punishment.. come with me

JK hold taehyung wrist tightly while
Dragging him
Tae Was crying but it didn't effect jungkook a bit
On the terrace of the house and jungkook pushed taehyung and locked the door!
Tae started banging and started crying requesting JK not to leave him there.
After continuously banging the door tae give up and started crying.

JK already left toward the the room. Once he was there he went straight to take a cold shower. He was really mad at taehyung and decided to give a punishment.
After the shower he came inside the room and try to sleep but he couldn't so he decided to have some wine.

Taehyung's pov
JK left me here in the terrace all alone. He didn't even try to hear my prospective he trusted Lisa but not me.
I was crying but soon I felt drops on me so I looked up to the sky and I saw black cloudy sky it was going to rain hard
That's when a thunder strike
Oh God I am scared
I started to bank the door more vigorously but still

No response....!?

To be continued!

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