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No response....?!

Jungkook's pov
I was drinking wine that's when I saw the clock. I have locked taehyung for more than 4 hour. I should stop now I was going to order terrace that's when I notice that it was raining.
Oh God it is raining taehyung is up there
I rent what him and when I open the door I was shocked tae was fainted I was drenched in the rain. Oh God from how long it has been raining?
I when I run towards him and hold him in a bridal style and came into our room.
I was whispering continuous sorry in his ear but he was not responding.
My heart felt heavy. I am dying in regret I gently changed his clothes and wrapped in a blanket but still he is not opening his eyes.
I checked his temperature and my heart sank. Tae's was dropping and he started to Shiver. Oh God what should I do should I call the doctor yes I should call the doctor. Without wasting anytime I call the doctor.

Sundar doctor came and started to check him

Jk-is he alright?

Doc-yes he is but his body is really weak and Mr Jeon?

Jk-yes doc?

Doc- if you don't mind can I ask you something


Doc-what happened like he is drenched in rain?

What should I say? That I am the worst husband who is responsible for his this condition?
I was thinking all of that so I guess the doctor notice and didn't ask further more.

Doc- anyway he need care and if possible give him body warm. He is shivering and make him take medicine on time.

Jk- yes doctor thank you

The doctor left. I looked toward tae's pale face and set on the bed holding his hand.

I am so sorry baby but what can I even do? You failed and on that you fought. I couldn't control my anger. I know I shouldn't have done that but...?

Tae Shivered

Oh God you are shivering wait then I open my shirt and hug tae to my chest.

I am so sorry but you are wrong you have failed. I had expectedmore even though my way of punishment was wrong but don't think I will forget or forgive you I am very angry at you for fighting and not getting good grades. but I am also sorry because of my harsh behaviour or punishment.

End of jk's point of view

(Don't be confused JK is still angry on tae but he is also regretting his wrong doing I am also a bit confused writing this part I mean I don't know how to explain so let me explain it again JK is very angry on tae for not getting good marks and for fighting with Lisa but he is also regretting because he is way of punishment was wrong lol hehe)

(By the way I will write the point of views in bold from now on and their conversation I will mention it)

(Bracket next morning)

Tae pick up and look around only to find checking on the bed without a t-shirt.

Tae's point of view

What's happen? How come I came here? Why is he holding me? Isn't he the one who locked me out there in the heavy rain?! Why did you bring me here then he should have left me there but a stupid by me huh? Dumbook

Author pov
While cursing he went towards the bathroom and decided that he will not talk to jk until JK admit that tae is not at fault.

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