examination 😩

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The next day!

Jungkook was the first one to wake up but he frown when he didn't found taehyung beside him ..

Jungkook pov
Where is he now ... didn't he remembers today is his exam..

Jungkook found taehyung who was sleeping on his desk...well he was studying all night so he slept on the desk unknowingly

Jungkook- tae wake up...why you slept here huh?

Tae- absb (tae mummers and sleeps again)

Jungkook - wake up taehyung or else you gonna be late.. TAEHYUNG...TAEhyung

Tae- aah yeah yess what happened I am up I am up ( taehyung said waking)

Jungkook - are you ready?

Tae- for what?

Jungkook - you have exams today remember?

Tae- (eyes widen) what's the time ...why didn't you wake me up early?

Jungkook - really it's your fault that you slept that much even tho you have exam

Tae- but I was studying late night I don't know when I slept off *pout*

Jungkook- yeah we will see how well you will do after results

Tae- yeah *confidence*

At school~
Test was already completed and taehyung was really happy because he knew all the answers!!

At cafeteria

Jimin- how was the exam ?

Tae- good that was so easy

Jimin-easy really

Tae- jk helped me to study those

Jin- ahh private tution from hot hubby huh?

Tae- ahh noo (blushing)

Y/n- see who is blushing (wiggle eyes)

Tae- stop na please

All- oaky okay

Jimin- tae did you told him ?

Tae- about what?

Jimin-about the bully?

Tae- no I can handle

Jimin-no you can't! I saw you crying again

Jin- tae jimin is right you have to tell him

Y/n- yes Tae why are you controlling I can't understand

Tae- it just uh-hn

Jimin-fine okay leave this topic

Y/n- idiots how about partying tonight

Jin- that's a good idea ..our exam are already finished we can have funn

Jimin-yesss today is our night. How about you tae?

Tae- I will ask jungkook

Y/n- what asked exams are already finished rt?

Jin- yeah tae enjoy it's your life!

Tae- but what if he say no

Jimin- just say that you are going to party that shit!

Tae- but (hesitate)

Jimin-come on tae don't spoil it now!

Tae- okay!

Y/n- how about we ask them to join us too?

Jin- that's good idea

Jimin-I agree

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