you need to focus more

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Author pov:
It been a week Jungkook started teaching Taehyung... And yeah Tae is like in clouds! Of course he is getting private lesson (for him attention) from his cold husband/crush...hehehe

But taehyung is focusing more on Jungkook than his studys ...(anyone will) 🙂

Right now Jungkook is teaching Taehyung... let's see what is happening!

Jungkook - tae did you finished the question which was given by me yesterday?

Tae- umm

Jungkook - tell me properly Taehyung...and DON'T YOU DARE TO LIE ME  ( deep voice sending chills to tae's spine)

Tae- I am sorry Jungkook...I really forgot do ...I swear I will do it from tomorrow not tomorrow from today onward


Tae- (flinched badly) yes.s (he said while shuttering)!

Jungkook- sorry huh? Just complete it now and show it to me rn

Tae- ok..( he started doing his homework trying hard to control his tears)

Jungkook sat there doing his work!!

Btw please don't say anything bad about Jungkook...ik Jungkook shouldn't have yelled but he have anger issues and Taehyung too know that still he didn't did his yeahh

Jungkook- are you done? (Asked in a deep voice)

Tae- no...o some questions are left

Jungkook - how much time you going to take to these simple question huh?

Tae- sorry...2min .I am almost done

Jungkook - You need to focus more on studies....than other things!
Complete this and do these ..I am going to make dinner after making I am gonna check it okay?

Tae- ok

Jungkook left

Taehyung pov
He yelled at me *pout* baddie....meanie. ..huh and he even gave me so much of work 😭😭 mama save me
But I have do!

Time skip-

Junkook- are you done?

Tae- yess

Junkook- show me

Jungkook- um good but still you need to do more come have your dinner and go to sleep

To be continued

To be continued

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