quality time~

327 13 1

Author pov:
Jungkook bought Tae to a ice cream parlor.

Jungkook- what flavor you want?
Tae- Strawberry 🍓 ( said cutely)

That made Jungkook heartbeat skip!!(mine too)

Junkook- okay

Jungkook bought two ice cream..one strawberry and another chocolate for himself!

Jk- here it is.

Tae-( he happily grabbed the ice cream and just said a small thank you and started licking the ice cream like a small baby)

Junkook-( he was constantly starting at taehyung...but got out of imagination when taehyung said)

Tae- kookie your ice cream is melting..eat it soon naaa

Jk- ohh yeah sorry sorry!

Jk- you really like strawberry favour ... is't it

Tae- yessss I love it!

Jk- you are such a baby

Tae- nooo I am mature one ( said proudly)

Jk- yeah yeah( he chuckled)

They went home
Time skip~~
Taehyung was making dinner for them ...when Jungkook came and stand behind him

Tae- (he felt someone present so he turn around only to find his cold husband starting at him) ( tae internally blushed and ask) do you want anything kookie?

Jk- omg did he caught me while I was starting at him...ohh nooo godd( he thought)

Tae- what happened what are you thinking?

Jk- huhh no_thing ( why the fuck I am shuttering)

Tae- okie dinner is ready come sit

Jk- hmm

They sat down to eat.... They are eating with full silence when jk decided to break it

Jk- tae I want to ask you something

Tae- yeah kook

Jk- ik you are weak at math so I am thinking to give you some math lessons at home...if you don't mind

Tae- oh really that's great!
Thank you and really won't mind.

Jk- that's good..so from tomorrow?

Tae- sure!

After that the ate there dinner chatting with each other...( they two seem happy together tho)

After that tae washed dishes and our muscle bunny helped him! (Waah)

To be continued

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