Chapter 1

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TW:Swearing, Remus (need I say more?) (no, seriously, is there anything else I should add?)

Waking up to the sound of My Chemical Romance's I'm not okay (I promise) is a experience for sure, but one Virgil's gotten pretty used to by now, he's been doing it for too long now, in his opinion.

Groaning, he slid his whole hand up what he assumed was his phone, and thankfully, it must've been his phone, because the song stopped.

And don't get him wrong, My Chemical Romance is great, but maybe less so when he just woke after sleeping for-- what? 5 or 6 hours? Yeah, he's dead tired.

His mind was still a bit hazy, so he prompted to stay in bed for a little longer, ignoring how his stomach was turning because new kid is joining today. He really couldn't get a few seconds of ignorance even after just waking up.

Clatter sounded through the house, probably his pa, Emile Picani, who chose not to take Remy's last name, and honestly? Good on him, Emile Grave felt weird, more so with how cheerful pa was.

Virgil rolled his eyes and threw his messy covers off himself, regret already in his head as he stood up and pulled something to wear out of his drawers.

Throwing the way oversized and baggy black T-shirt he used as a make shift pyjama over the chair, he pulled a black long sleeved shirt over him, then a purple baggier T-shirt over that and finally dragged some ripped jeans over his legs.

A chain was attached to the jeans, small and metal, but Virgil did not care.

He grabbed his jacket and tied it around his waist, pulling the T-shirt a bit up so it wouldn't seem so tight under the knot of the jacket, slipped into his checkered vans and threw on the headphones that were laying idly on his desk around his neck.

Unplugging his phone, he quickly brushed his teeth and what-not else before heading downstairs where one of his parent's was already awake and making breakfast.

The house they had wasn't the best by any means, and all three of them knew that, but it was home, it was what they called home and what they loved.

"Mornin'" Virgil tiredly mumbled out, still half asleep.

His dad instantly spun around with a great smile... god, how the fuck is he this happy at 6:40 in the morning?

"Good morning Virge! How are you?" Pa asked as Virgil took a seat, mentally trying to remember if he had done his homework or prolonged it.

Virgil lazily replied "Tired" and a plate with waffles was slid his way across the table, landing a bit higher and more to the side then Emile probably wanted, but Virgil just reached his arms out and pulled it closer.

"Well, did you sleep?" Pa asked with a still chipper tone.

Putting some food in his mouth, Virgil hummed as a reply, hopefully it landed somewhere on the lines of 'yes'.

"Good!" Oh, okay, then it did, great "Well, hurry up, wouldn't want to miss that bus!"

The brunette glanced over to the clock, he had time to burn, sure, like, 10 minutes or so, but, time to burn is time to burn.

He took his time finishing breakfast, mostly because his Pa was a great cook, Dad didn't know how to cook to save his life, but also because he really wanted to prolong this. 'This' being pre-new-kid.

Eventually though, he got up, put his dishes in the sink, said bye to his Pa and threw on his beat up black bag over his shoulder.

Stepping outside the house, he shoved his keys in his pocket and walked to the bus station, where he promptly put on his headphones and put on some music to drown out his surroundings.

You put a sour little flavor in my mouth (Prinxiety) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now