Chapter 2

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TW: Swearing, mention of genitalia (no smut), mention of drugs

Public school was not at all what Roman excepted.

Actually, scratch that, it was a bit how he excepted but it was way weirder.

See, in all his private schools you'd get in trouble for as little as saying 'damn' but here? No, here you won't get in trouble for dealing drugs in the bathrooms.

Apperently the teachers have a deal with a few of the students who hand out the drugs, the student gives them their share and the teacher won't report it.

Plus, the teachers don't really have to pay, just push the student's grade up a bit.

So, yeah, Roman was getting by just very confused.

However, Remus' friend group helped out a lot more than Roman thought they would.

Patton was really nice and got Roman through the hallways without making trouble with the other students, though they did shout a few slurs at Patton.

He, Remus and Logan and Patton had Spanish the first class, so, it was nice to get to know Logan and Patton through that.

The teacher was a bit annoying, and Logan constantly corrected her pronunciation until she just gave up and let chaos happen throughout the whole classroom.

At that point Remus stepped in, trying do start god knows what and Patton did his best to stop him.

It was fun, chaotic, but fun.

Second period he had free, something about the teacher's replacement not being here yet, so, instead of the principal wanting to deal with finding a free teacher, he just gave them all a free period instead of whatever they were supposed to have.

Patton wasn't there, he had sociology with Janus and... the emo one.

Listen, Roman's great with names, their like a beautiful combination of letters that form a person, but all he's heard from the emo one in the friend group is 'don't call me that' and that was because Remus was calling him Virgin.

So, he did not know the emo ones name.

And that sucked because he was really cute.

Pale skin, light brown eyes, dark brown hair and dark eyelashes. Black sleeves covered his whole arm's and a baggy purple T-shirt over that.

The sleeves outlined his arm's far too perfectly, and they were worryingly thin, and the jacket tied around his waist showed the curves.

And Roman really needed to stop thinking about it because he's already got their future planned out to a dot.

Smaller jeans-- not quite skinny, but not too small for him-- showed his thighs, but not his lower legs, a small metal chain resting on what Roman assumed was the phone in his pocket.

Matt black headphones clinged around his neck, a bit scratched here and there, but they probably work just fine.

So, for now, Roman's just calling them 'the emo one' until he gets his name, and he will.

Other than Patton, Janus and the emo one not being there for free period, Roman had a heck of a second period.

People would shout a few slurs at them, most were smoking by the windows, some were arranging a party to drink stupid amounts of alcohol.

And Roman was suddenly very glad that he had his brother's friend group to rely on, because ho boy, he didn't not want to get dragged into whatever it was these other teens did.

You put a sour little flavor in my mouth (Prinxiety) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now