Father/Daughter Dance

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I have come rather early to my school's Father/Special Person/ Dance. Literally, I'm sitting on one of the metal chairs and hating the music the DJ is playing My mom is dancing from behind the snack bar. My school principle is judging me. This music sucks. But hey, I love my dad. THIS MUSIC IS TRAGIC. Honestly, I'm just blaring my P!ATD songs. They're playing chains and that's a good song, I guess. I would dance but I'd be a) the only one in a gym and b) look like I'm having a spasm because I dance worse than a white girl.
*Skip a half an hour*
My friend has finally arrived. We are in the corner of the gym and trying not to look awkward, however that's rather difficult. When there are only like 3 more people in the gym. Our dads are talking. We are waiting for more people to come but they're all 7 year olds. Unfortunately, I don't like children, I mean I do, ugh, I don't know they can be annoying. But look who's talking, I'm annoying. My dad and my friend's dad have stopped talking, and I have discovered my awkwardness is inherited by my dad. I'm not surprised. It's alright though, I love my dad.

****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****
Hai. So I'm Brisa. (BREE SUH, for those who got confused) Sorry this entry is short and doesn't have much to it. I'll try to venture through my brain and find awkward moments to write about. It's weird calling myself an author. Anyway, Bai.

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