The Sandwich!!!!

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So way back when I was in........fifth grade? Fifth grade. There was a talent show at my school and my friends and I decided to participate. We had started band the her before. My friend and I played the flute, while my other friend played the clarinet.

We decided to play "Yankee Doodle Dandy" but this wasn't have a lot of creative differences between the band (trio). At first we wanted to play "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift. Unfortunately, at the time we weren't as musically inclined as we are now. Then we wanted to throw back to like the 90s or something and play "Don't Stop Believing." It was easier to play but we were running low on time. I remember being in the rehearsal studio (aka my friend's basement) and flipping to a page in the book, and having the genius idea of playing "Yankee Doodle Dandy."

The Talent Show had rehearsals every other week or something like that. We were all set when the lady asked us what the group name would be. For our performance we went for a technique we called "The Sandwich." I would play first, my friend who played the clarinet would play second, and my other friend who played the flute would play third. At the end we'd play all together. So we decided to call ourselves "The Sandwich."

We were a legit band. We had our own colored pants and actual t-shirts my friend's uncle made for us. We were pretty great. Such fun memories practicing and messing up.

The night of the talent show, we were the last to be called. We all played to the best of our abilities (aka we messed up a few notes and the beat) but everyone still cheered for us. It was pretty great. When we got off stage our parents were there ready to give us our flowers, take pictures, and congratulate us. I remember being so happy and thrilled. I wish it was like that nowadays.

Sadly, "The Sandwich" was a short lived band. A "One-Hit-Wonder" some may call. I still have the t-shirts, and we all play our instruments just at different schools. (Another story, another time, makes me sad.) "The Sandwich" was fun while it lasted, and I really do cherish the time I spent with those two friends. Fooling around instead of actually practicing.

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