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A month had gone by where I didn't return to Forks

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A month had gone by where I didn't return to Forks. It might sound dramatic but I couldn't go back. Not since that day. It was dangerous for me to be going to a school full of humans in the first place but initially, upon moving to Forks, I needed to blend in.

For that month I had spent it in Alaska, where I had come across the Denali Coven. Where I found Kate. Carlisle had mentioned that she and I shared the same gift and she helped me improve my gift making it even more controllable and helping me train my body so it didn't wear out if I needed to defend myself by killing someone.

Irina was a weird one, we never really warmed up to one another, we didn't fight but we didn't speak either.

Tanya helped me through a lot. For the duration of my time in Alaska I had felt a feeling in my cold chest. A feeling I'd never felt before. A feeling I didn't know vampires could feel.
I had mentioned these feelings to Tanya who then told me what I was feeling was attachment and love, the feeling of having found what she called my mate.
I'd heard the word mate before by Edward, that's what he called Bella. Bella was his mate.

I didn't know who my mate was though and it confused to no end, I knew they weren't here in Alaska. And I knew I had never felt this feeling until I left Forks. Usually when I leave a place I can leave and it can become a distant memory.

I was discussing these new realisations with Tanya.
"Harley if you want my honest opinion, I think you need to go back to Forks and find your mate. I feel that's what's best for you in this moment of time. I've never been more sure of anything. You're always welcome here but Forks is your home now. Don't loose this opportunity to find the one you're truly meant to be with!" she said lovingly.

"If I go back people will be upset with me"

"If I'm right in saying you had befriended the Olympic Coven? Now I know for sure that they won't be upset with you, they'll be more than understanding. If anything they will be glad you're safe" she said hugging me. I nodded the Cullens we're great people. People I wanted around me for as long as possible.

"Thank you Tanya I'll be forever grateful you and everyone else helped me whilst I was here. I should head back to Forks now and find this mate of mine I suppose"

"Don't be a stranger Harley! We're so glad we met you. Just remember when you find your
mates doing let them go. They'll be the best thing that's ever happened to you. They will find a void in you that you never knew needed feeling and I'll be waiting to receive a wedding invitation" she said half jokingly at the end.
I laughed it off by saying "let me find the poor guy first"
"I have a feeling he's closer than you realise" she said as I climbed into my Porsche.
"Stay safe you guys thank you for everything" I waved as I sped down the long winding road heading south east towards Washington. It's going to be a bloody long journey but hopefully it's for the best and will work out right.

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