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I had finally made it back to Forks after a gruelling 40 hour trip

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I had finally made it back to Forks after a gruelling 40 hour trip. Of course I was glad to be back.
My house looked untouched, everything was in its place, just how I left it. Although I could sense someone, maybe 2 people had been here since I've been gone. Maybe to look for me? No, surely not. why would anyone notice let alone care that I left?

Something inside of me was telling me to go pay the Cullens a visit. To see how everyone was. I knew I had to show my face to them at some point. Might as we be sooner rather than later.

I sped down the long winding road to the Cullen residence. Arriving in no time at all.

Edward must have heard my thoughts and knew I was here because just as I was about the knock on the door, Carlisle had come to greet me.

"Harley, we've been so worried" he stated as he ushered me into the house.
"I'm sorry Carlisle"
"What matters is it that you're safe" I smiled as his kindness.

I walked into the living room where I was greeted by most but not all the Cullens.
"Harley! Where have you been! I was so worried" Esme said bringing me into a huge hug as did Rosalie and Emmett but his was more of a bear hug than a gentle one.
"I'm sorry guys, I didn't realise anyone would be worried about my wear abouts. I needed to get away from Forks, everything became too overwhelming for me and I would have spontaneously combusted if I hadn't" I was sheepish, I knew now that I probably shouldn't have left and probably cause more damage than intended.

"Yeh, Jasper was real worried!" Emmett smirked. Rosalie smacked him round the head.
"Jasper? Why was he worried?" could he be? No? Not that's silly, right?
"Honey, Jasper was worried because well you two are mates after all" Esme said lovingly. What?

"Oh. Great I'm so glad we've cleared that up, what about the currently problem that going on!" Edward sneered from the other side of the room.
"What's going on?" I asked
"We'll if you hadn't been selfish and upped and left, you would know that Bella is in serious danger and is currently on her way to Phoenix with Alice and your mate, because her closest friend wasn't around to protect her when she needed it the most" Edward was bitter to say the least. I looked at him in confusion.
"Don't look at me like that! You don't get to look like that when you've been off god knows where doing god knows what!"
"That's enough Edward" Carlisle said trying to keep the peace.
"Well if you hadn't exposed my secret I wouldn't have left!" I bit back.

Everything was silent and all of a sudden I got a overly horrid feeling. Something was wrong, something bad was going to happen I just knew it.
"I think we need to get to Phoenix, Now! Something bad is going to Bella if we don't leave now! Edward, we can have this out later right now I need you to listen to me. We need to get to Phoenix, all of us, Esme and Rosalie, do you mind staying and making sure Charlie is okay? The rest of us need to go now!"
No one questioned it, seriousness laced throughout my voice, they knew something. With that we were on our way to Phoenix, Arizona, faster than we could say Phoenix.

"What was that back there, how did you sense bad things, happening?" Edward asked from the passenger seat as Carlisle drove and Emmett and I were in the back seats.
"I, I don't know I've never felt something like that before, but something was telling me that we needed to get to Phoenix" I spoke honestly.

I truly didn't know what that feeling was but I knew I didn't enjoy it one but. It's like I can sense when bad things are going to happen before they happen...

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