Chapter 14

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Tony felt odd to have somebody in his house, especially since he was living on the moon now. It had been too long since he had contact with another human being other than ordering food from them, or paying for his shopping. Real human contact, real interaction. Peter was gushing about the Star Trek technology Friday had just used on them. The enthusiasm quickly left room for anxiety. Aunt May and Happy had been in an explosion for all the teenager knew. Tony had snapped everybody back. Peter would just be better having them there.

Peter had always worn his heart on his sleeve. It was easy to see what he was feeling. Sometimes Tony wished he would lose that. People would not hesitate to use his good heart against him. That big heart made Peter who he was, a kind man, a true friend, somebody who would be loyal to the people he loved. In other words, a hero.

Friday didn't wait to beam Happy and May up. They immediately took the genius and the kid into a massive and warm hug. Tony almost didn't remember what it felt like. It was awkward but when the surprise was over, he hugged them back. He had missed close contacts more than words could ever express. The genius wasn't sure he deserved any of that though. Of course, he had brought them back in the end. He had let the couple die in the first place, even if it had been for a short amount of time. Tony would apologise profusely later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy himself a little while longer.

Friday had been keeping tabs on everyone that had been part of Tony's life, directly or not. The one she deemed worthy were now all standing in his living room. All of the sudden it was almost too much. Loneliness had been his only friend for so long, his only companions being the bots and Friday. Now, he felt almost crowded. Tony had been looking at the infinity of space for the main part of the previous year. Now his personal space was packed, it almost felt a little bit claustrophobic. Fears weren't getting the best of him ever again. Tony wouldn't push people away anymore.

He was not sure he was actually ready to have those conversations, especially when it came to Vision and Rhodey. He would probably never be. They had been close to him in different ways maybe, but still special for the genius. They were arguably the ones who had hurted him the most. Of course, Steve, Natasha and the others did a very good job at that. Vision was his son - or perhaps his grandson, part of his family anyway - and Rhodey was his brother in everything that counted but blood. The people you love were the ones that hurt you the most.

They were all expecting an explanation from him. It was written all over their faces. Where he had been, how he had been doing. Tony bought himself some time by making them guess where they were actually. Being on the moon had that wow effect he was expecting. All his guests stood by the bay window, gasping at the view. Laura stood there more than any of the others. It would be easy to lose yourself looking at the stars. He had done so in the past. The look on her face was telling another tale, something between anger and guilt. The people wanted him gone and he had obeyed, going as far as leaving the planet altogether. Again, explanations were coming up, not really something he was going to enjoy. Tony had always learned from his mistakes though. Things needed to be said, in all honesty, so everybody could understand.

His thoughts needed some time to get in order so he asked who was hungry. Tony knew a place in Italy that made the best pizzas they could ever taste in their life. Even better than any they could buy in New York or Philadelphia. Friday made sure to order plenty. Peter would eat a lot himself because of his super metabolism, especially after a fight. Harley and his sister would probably have a lot as well. Tony almost wanted to brag about the technology allowing him to go to Earth and back in the blink of an eye. Natasha had managed to drill into him that his ego was too big for his own good. He didn't feel allowed to be proud of his achievement anymore. This part of his personality had driven people away apparently. He had been working on himself a lot but that didn't stop his anxiety all the time. These people were just back in his life, he was worried they would go away just as fast.

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