11-Reyna (Pleasantries)

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“Grace, what should we do?” Reyna whispered. “Should we just ignore the fact that she’s a crack head? Should we bring it up? I mean, what do we do?” Reyna was looking at Grace now like she was trying to find her way out of a corn maze.

“We treat her like the sister we haven’t seen in two years is what we do.  It doesn’t matter if she’s a crack head, she’s our sister, Reyna.  Our sister.  She came home.  Just leave it at that for now.” Grace got up from the bed and headed toward the closet. “What do you think she’d like to wear?”  She held up a pink velour one piece short set in one hand and a cocoa brown goddess maxi dress in the other. 

“Definitely the Maxi.  You are the only person in the world still wearing velour, heffa!” Reyna laughed.  For her sister to be a model, her wardrobe was really plain and retro and not at all in a good way. 

“Shut up, Rey!  It’s cute!” Grace said defensively. 

“Yeah in 2006!  Girl! Are you sure you are a model?” Reyna teased.  Grace threw the Maxi dress at Reyna’s face. 

“Whatever, Rey.  It’s cute on me that’s all that matters.”  She put the outfit back in closet.

“Grown ass still wearing a onesie.  Yeah put that shit back.” Reyna laughed even harder while Grace frowned. 

“You can be so cruel sometimes.”  Grace snorted at her.  Turning just in time to see Bridget in the bathroom doorway wrapped in a towel.  “Hey, Bridget! How was your shower?”

“Great.” Bridget answered quietly.  Reyna grabbed the dress from the bed and held it up for Bridget to see. 

“Will this work for now?  We’ll take you shopping tomorrow.  That is if you’re still here tomorrow?”  Reyna asked hoping her baby sister would agree.

“Ok.” Bridget said as she nodded yes to the girls.  Reyna started clapping. 

“Yay!  We are so excited you are home!”  Reyna ran over to Bridget to hug her and hand her the dress.  “So excited!”

Grace giggled.  Reyna looked at her puzzled but continued.  “So today is family funday.  Now everybody out there isn’t technically family but they are all our really close friends.  Of course you already know Jacey and Graham are going to be excited to see you.  I will introduce to the rest of the nuts out there.”

Reyna was anticipating the look on everyone’s face when they took Bridget out there.  They had all heard her music that she had all of the hired DJ’s to play at her clubs.  But with the exception of Graham and Jacey, nobody had met her.   She examined her sister.  For a drug addict, Bridget still looked good especially now that she was all cleaned up.  She wasn’t at her best but all in time.  If she could just get Bridget to stay for longer than a couple of days every time she showed up. 

“Oh wait!  Here!”  She opened a drawer and pulled out a brand new set of Grace’s lacey underwear that she never wore and tossed them at Bridgett. “Seriously, Grace never even wears these damn things, ask me why she has this drawer!”  Bridgett giggled.  “Was that a laugh?  Grace, did you see that?  She smiled!”  Reyna shouted playfully at Grace who was right behind her.  All three girls started laughing. 

“Thanks, Reyna.”  Bridget said as she giggled. She turned away giving the girls her back as she dressed herself.

“Girl, I used to change your diapers.  Ain’t nobody worried about seeing your itty bitties.  Trying to act shy. Ugh!” Reyna joked.  There was a fourteen year difference between Reyna and Bridget.  All three girls were adopted by their parents when Reyna was fifteen, Grace was nine and Bridget was one.  When their biological parents died, Reyna did everything in her power to keep them together no matter where they ended up.  Tending to her younger sisters forced her to grow up quicker than other children and since the girls were so young, Reyna became the mother hen.  Adopted parents and all, Reyna still felt she had to take care of her sisters as they were all each other had.

“Ok, I’m ready.”  Bridgett chimed. 

“You look gorgeous.”  Grace complimented.  “Like a goddess.”  She finished with a smile.  Reyna shook her head in agreement.

“Well?  Model it for us.” Reyna joked.

“You’re so silly, sis.” Bridgett laughed.

“Well, Darling, are you ready for your big debut?”  Grace said imitating a vintage Hollywood director linking arms with first Bridgett and then Reyna. “Shall we?”  The girls giggled as they walked out of the French doors leading to the patio.

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