12-Graham (Why Grace)

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“Ladies and gentlemen, may we present, Princess Bridgett.”  Reyna said loudly in a horrible British accent.

Graham did a double take when she saw the girls.  “Oh My God!  Bridgett!  Come here, girl!” Graham said excitedly.  She stood up to give Bridgett a hug.  She grabbed her face and looked in her eyes. “You okay, mama?  How have you been?  We’ve been worried sick about you.” She hugged her again. 

“Hey Jace, Check out who’s here!” she scream towards the barbecue pit where Jacey was cooking. Jacey looked up, straining her eyes trying to see from so far away to no avail. “What?”

“Come here, man!” Graham screamed at the top of her lungs.

Jacey put the spatula on the bay and jogged over towards the patio.  “What’s up, Gra-, Oh shit! Bridgett!” Jacey picked her up and twirled her around, kissing her cheek.  “Hey baby sister.”  Jacey continued.

Graham looked over at Grace who was beaming with excitement.  Reyna was smiling from ear to ear as well.  It was a beautiful sight. “Hey Vic, there is someone you need to meet.  Come here.” Graham motioned to Victoria.  She walked over quietly avoiding eye contact with Grace. 

“Victoria, this is Bridgett, Reyna and Grace’s little sister.  Bridgett this is Victoria, Grace’s girlfriend.” Graham said proud of herself for referring to Victoria as Grace’s other half. Victoria shook Bridgett’s hand. “I can see the family resemblance.  Nice to meet you.” She said politely before turning to Reyna.  “Hey I am going to get going.  I have rehearsal in the morning, can’t be late.”

“Alright, Vic.  Have a nice day.” Reyna said. “Oh, and I think it’s a given that Grace will not be home for a while.  You know, with our sister being here and all.  Not to mention your behavior earlier.  You keep it up Vic, and you are going to find yourself alone a lot.”  Reyna lectured looking at Victoria intensely.

Graham laughed inside as she watched Victoria on the verge of tears walking out of the back area to the driveway to her car.  It took all of her power not to lay Victoria out earlier for disrespecting her Grace.  Reyna has a strict no drama, no violence rule for family funday and Graham respected that.  But if Graham ever saw that again, she was not sure she would be able to hold it in.  She heard Victoria’s Corvette start and drive away.  She immediately felt better knowing that Grace was hers for the rest of the night and catching up with Bridgett was a great reason to spend the night.  Not that she needed an excuse, she practically lived at Reyna’s since they worked so closely together. 

She went around to her girls and wrapped her arms around their shoulders looking from one to the other.  “You two alright?”

“I’m thrilled!”  Reyna responded clapping her hands walking over to where Jacey and Bridgett were talking to everybody.

“How about you, young lady?” Graham directed her question to Grace.

“I’m excited too, babe. My sister is home.” Grace said calmly looking up at Graham.

“You don’t seem very excited.” Graham was concerned that her commotion with Victoria was still upsetting Grace.

“I am, I’m just a little annoyed.  I want to lie down but I don’t want to miss a moment with my sister.  I don’t get to see her often.  Victoria is an asshole.  And Reyna is so worried about protecting me, I don’t even get to fight my own battles.  I mean what if I want to go home?  What if I want to work it out with Victoria?  Now I don’t get that option.”  The words broke Graham’s heart, but she knew she needed to be a friend.

“Well, do you want to?  I can take you to her rehearsal if you’d like.  Reyna wouldn’t have to know.” Graham offered.

“Are you shitting me?  No way! First of all, I can’t hide anything from Reyna, she reads me like a book.  Second, I have no desire to make up with her.  As far as I’m concerned, I am done.”

“Well, since there are two of you in the relationship, do you think maybe she should be in on the whole ‘done’ thing.  I mean, you can’t really break up with someone and they not know.”

“Ugh!  Reyna!  Graham and I will be inside.” Grace screamed to Reyna knowing she wouldn’t hear her over all of the excitement of Bridgett’s return. 

Graham followed Grace into the house.  She caught herself looking down at her butt. ‘Get your head out of there!’ Graham scolded herself.  They took a seat on the couch to continue their conversation.

“So what are you thinking?” Graham looked at Grace intently. “I am worried about you.”

She watched as Grace looked down in her lap nervously. “I don’t know, Graham.  I want to be done with her. I don’t want to love her anymore.  I want to be loved by someone who sees me as…..”She paused trying to find the word. “…..ME!  Not as the model in the magazines.  Not as a trophy wife that looks good on the red carpet.  Not as a tool to show off ‘we’re here, we’re queer and we’re taking over.’  I want someone to see the goofy me, the clumsy me, the cheesy me.  The ‘me’ that likes to take hikes and bike ride through parks, and ride baskets through the grocery store for laughs, or….” Graham gazed at Grace as she went on and on.  She had no idea how needy Grace was.  She loved the confident, outgoing Grace.  Who in the hell was this? To be quite honest, it was unattractive and annoying. ‘Wow’ Graham thought to herself ‘what the hell have I gotten myself into?  I could’ve stayed with Emmy if I wanted to deal with this bullshit.’  She put her head down ashamed of the thought she just had. 

“GRAHAM!” she jumped at the opportunity to get away.  She looked at Grace apologetically. 

“It’s alright, go ahead, hon.  I’m gonna go.  Don’t tell Rey please?”

“No Prob, Grace.  I’ll catch up with you later?”

“Yeah, sure.” Grace nodded in agreement.  “Love ya! See you later.”

“Alright.” Graham responded as she jogged back out to the patio.

Well all, I see my views increasing but still no feedback. I at least hope you all are enjoying the read so far. My story is now searchable!!!!  Wattpad fixed my baby!!!   Yay!! Okay back to the story.

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