2-Victoria (Too late for Grace)

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Victoria found herself tossing and turning a lot tonight.  Trying to sleep these days had become a chore. With her busy schedule, sleeping should not have been a problem for the twenty seven year old leading actress, but she was going on five days now without it.  She turned to where her partner, Grace, usually laid. She took a deep breath.  She could still smell Grace’s sweet scent on the pillows and sheets. It was no secret that she and Grace were having problems lately.  Victoria rolled back over wishing Grace were there to wrap her arms around her like she’d done every night since the first time they slept in the same bed.  They’d had a bit of a fight before Grace headed out. Victoria started to replay the fight in her head.


Victoria jumped not expecting her phone to go off at this time of night. She looked at the caller ID to see Grace blowing her a kiss.  Victoria loved that picture of her model girlfriend, Grace.  She was every bit as beautiful inside as she was in the magazines she worked for. Her lips were so full and her eyes, although dark brown, could pierce right through your soul.  “Hey Baby! Are you having fun?” Victoria forced out trying to sound excited.  Instead of hearing Grace’s voice she heard several voices.  “Babe? Ba-aabe….”

“She butt dialed me again.” Victoria said as she giggled.  It was just like Grace to forget to lock her phone.  Right as she was about to hang up she heard Grace’s voice. “I just don’t understand why she won’t touch me guys? Am I not ‘hot’ anymore?” Victoria’s face turned red when she realized that Grace was telling her friends about their fight.

 “For real?!  You are still one of the hottest bitches in this damn city.  If you weren’t, you know, you, I would totally try to land you!” One of Grace’s friends exclaimed. Victoria could hear all of her friends laughing and agreeing. She had such a great support system of friends.

“Look Grace, I have never seen you doubt yourself before.  I don’t like the fact that you letting this woman do this to you.  As much as I love her, I think it’s time that you moved on.  Seriously.”  Victoria knew that voice very well.  Reyna, Grace’s older mogul sister, always told it like it was with Grace and vice versa.  With the both of them being as successful as they were, they made it a point to make sure the other was always in check and grounded. Those two were thicker than thieves.  Sometimes Victoria envied their bond.

“No, Reyna.  I love her so much.  I don’t think leaving her is the answer.  I just have to find out why she isn’t attracted to me.  I know she loves me.  I mean at least I think she loves me.  OH GOD!  What if she is doesn’t love me anymore?!” Victoria felt a lump in her throat.  ‘How could she say that? How could she even think that I don’t love her?  I love her more than life itself’ she thought to herself holding back tears.   

“But I do love you, Grace.  So much, Baby.  Please come home so we can talk about this!  Baby, Please!”  Victoria was screaming now.  She wanted to get Grace’s attention.  She heard Reyna’s voice again.  If it’s one thing that got to Reyna, it was seeing her little sister upset.

“Grace, stop crying.  Come here, baby.  Look, I am sorry about what I said.  You are right. If you feel like this is love, then stick it out.  But look at you.  We are at your favorite bar and you are crying.  Crying!”  Victoria could hear the frustration in Reyna’s voice.  She had a feeling that she was going to get a phone call tomorrow and it wasn’t going to be a pleasant one.  “Come on, let’s forget about all of this for the night.  We came out to party. We’re over here looking all sexy.  You got us about to get arrested.  There is just too much hotness in this one little corner.  Come on girl!” Grace was giggling now. Reyna had that effect on her.  Victoria heard some movement for a few seconds and loudness of music.  She ended the call feeling horrible.  If only Grace knew how incredibly sexy she was to her.  She still made butterflies flutter in her stomach when she called her name.  The thought of her kisses gave Victoria goose bumps.  “How could I have let this go this far?” Victoria asked herself aloud.  She knew that if she didn’t fix this she would lose Grace but if Grace ever found out why she wouldn’t touch her, Grace might kill her!

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