Chapter 7 - Arrived

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"Reminder! The Twins were the last one to get off the train"

"The Twins started walking around the school garden trying to find the entrance to the school"

Phil - Why did they even drop us off at the school garden they are so lazy i mean were sorry we were the last to get off!?!?
"Phil said clearly angry"

Mary - Hey Phil look Sampaguita!

"Phil then turned around"

Phil - Sis! We need to find the school entrance stop messing around!

Mary - Alright, alright fine🙄


Mary - Oh there it is!
"Mary then pointed at Golden colored Building that has about 10-20 floor"

Phil - How the "quack" did we miss that!?

Mary - I dont care but lets go in!

"The Twins then started walking toward it"

Mary - Oh right! Were is Indo and Malay?

Phil - Well probably see them soon

Mary - Alright

"The Twins then entered the school only to see no students around"

Mary - Its empty...

Phil - Maybe couse its saturday today?

Mary - Its saturday!?

Phil - Mhm

Phil - And also couse its already 4:52pm


Phil - Lets just find the principal office

Mary - Fine

"While the Twins were walking around the halls trying to find the principal room they were suddenly interrupted by a voice"

??? - Oh are you zwo zhe Maharlika Zwins by any chance?

Phil - Oh yes we are! Uh Do you by any chance know were the principal office is?

??? - Ja. follow me! Oh vere are my manner my name is Germany vhats yours?

Phil - Nice to meet you Germany! Im the Philippines but you can call me Phil!

Mary - And im Martial law but call me Mary!

Germany - Vell hello Phil and Mary im your tour guide zoday feel free zo ask any question

Phil - Okay!!

"While all of them were talking about random stuff plus Germany explaining about the rules off the school"
"Example no eating during class"

"Germany then suddenly stopped infront of a door and said"

Germany - Zhis is the Principal office come in!

(Mary - Damn already!?)

"Germany then opened the door"

Germany - Vell i have zo go now but i vill see you soon!

"Before Germany could walk away Phil then said"

Phil - WAIT!

"Germany stop and look at Phil with a confused look"

"Phil then walked up to him and whispered"

*Phil - Could we exchange phone number?*

*Germany - Ja! mine is ******* *

*Phil - Well mine is ****** * and Mary is ****** * *

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