[5] Class President?!

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      Amaegaru and his sister cycled leisurely under the warm morning sun, their dark green hair gently swaying in the light breeze. It could have been a perfect start to the day if it weren't for the unexpected commotion waiting for them at the entrance of U.A. High School. A crowd of enthusiastic newscasters and reporters had gathered, causing a minor roadblock. Tsuyu couldn't help but ribbit her annoyance.

"I told you we should have left earlier," she pointed out to Amaegaru.

He let out a groan of agreement. Their attempt to slip past the reporters unnoticed was in vain as the eager journalists quickly caught sight of their distinctive school uniforms.

"What classes does All Might teach?" "How does it feel to have the Symbol of Peace as your teacher?" "What are your thoughts on All Might's teaching?"

Caught off guard, Amaegaru found himself bombarded with microphones shoved in his face. Tsuyu tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to look up. Taking the cue, he followed her lead and gracefully leaped over the crowd, landing inside the gates of U.A. Aizawa and Present Mic stood their ground, fending off the press as the siblings made their escape.

Aizawa's calm voice cut through the chaos, "You are disrupting our lessons. Please vacate the premises."

However, the reporters remained undeterred. One daring soul even attempted to enter the U.A. gate, only to encounter the impenetrable barrier that allowed only U.A. students to pass.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, Taro and Harumi engaged in a friendly game of chess, their voices blending into the tranquil atmosphere.

"I wonder when our next mission will be," Taro mused.

"Who knows, but I hope it doesn't clash with our class schedule. Explaining absences to our friends can be quite a challenge," Harumi replied.

"You've got a point."

Just as the classroom settled into a peaceful lull, Aizawa entered, bringing an end to their leisurely moment. He began the homeroom session, setting the agenda for the day.

"Today, we have some homeroom business to attend to... Apologies for the short notice, but we'll be..."

"Taking a special test?" The collective thought echoed through the room.

Aizawa clarified, "No, it's actually a regular school activity."

The classroom erupted in excitement as everyone clamored to be chosen as the class representative, passionately arguing why they were the best candidate. Taro, Pepper, and a few others, however, showed little interest, knowing it meant extra responsibilities.

Amidst the chaos, Iida's authoritative voice rose above the rest, commanding attention. "Quiet, please! The role of class representative is not a position for just anyone who wants it. It is a responsibility that requires the trust of those around you. If we are to decide through democracy, then we should hold an election!"

After the voting concluded, the class awaited the results with bated breath. To their surprise, Midoriya emerged as the front-runner, with Yaoyorozu and Taro tied for second place.

"EHHH?!" Taro pointed at the board, then at himself, wearing a bemused expression. The others shrugged innocently.

"I got three votes!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Wait, Momo and Taro both have two votes. How do we decide the deputy?"

"You can have it, Yaoyorozu," Taro casually announced, crossing his arms and reclining in his seat.

"Really?" Yaoyorozu responded, her eyes widening in surprise.

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