[β] UnBearable Brothers

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         Tokuro wandered the dimly lit halls of the battle building, a concrete maze designed to confuse heroes and provide an easy escape for villains. He moved cautiously, checking over his shoulder every so often. His original plan was to head back to the stairwell, but then he caught faint echoes of heavy boots pounding up the stairs from the lower level.

"Checking the basement was a terrible idea," Rex groaned, his voice carrying through the corridors.

"You can never be too cautious, Comrade Rex," Dmitry reassured, their footsteps growing louder by the second. Sensing their proximity, Tokuro pressed himself against the wall, peering around the corner. He spotted the two figures running up the stairs, gasping for breath as they reached the top.

"Now's my chance," Tokuro whispered to himself. He tapped the bottom of his batons against the wall, causing the tips to emit a radiant white glow. These batons were modified with tasers to compensate for Tokuro's lack of raw power. "Not so fast, heroes!" he exclaimed, charging towards them.

Dmitry took a step forward, his voice filled with determination. "Watch your step!" He stomped his foot down, and ice shot out from beneath the floor, covering the ground in a frozen sheet. "Comrade Rex, go around," Dmitry instructed, drawing his bow.

Rex gritted his teeth but obeyed, eager for a fight and hoping the silent kid would give him the challenge he craved.

Before Dmitry could fully draw his bowstring, Tokuro leaped over him and hurled one of his batons. It struck Dmitry, momentarily disorienting him as he stumbled on the ice but quickly regained his composure. "Well, it seems winter ended a bit early," Tokuro quipped.

Dmitry picked up the baton, effortlessly snapping it in half with his fist. "Winter has only just begun, Comrade." He notched an arrow and released it, but Tokuro agilely dodged the projectile, swiftly closing the distance between them.

Tokuro attempted to wrest the bow away from Dmitry, using his baton to fend off Dmitry's strikes. He managed to land a taser blow to Dmitry's neck, partially stunning him. Seizing the opportunity, Tokuro aimed a knee strike to Dmitry's abdomen, followed by a fierce uppercut.

Dmitry retaliated, delivering a flurry of punches that rained down on Tokuro. Finally, he knocked off Tokuro's goggles, exposing his determined eyes. Tokuro attempted to tackle Dmitry, but the icy floor proved treacherous, causing him to lose his footing quickly. Dmitry reached for another arrow, only to find his quiver empty.

"Looking for these?" Tokuro smirked as he broke the remaining arrows in his hand. "Now it's just you and me."

Dmitry spat defiantly onto the ground, drawing his hunting knife. He charged forward, sliding across the ice, which formed beneath him as he went. With a sweeping motion, he aimed his knife at the airborne Tokuro, managing to land a stabbing blow to his thigh, throwing him off balance and sending him tumbling backward.

Control Room

     "All Might, is that even allowed?!" Kendo asked, pointing at Tokuro on the ground bleeding. "He just stabbed Tokuro?!"

"Didn't you say you'd stop the fight if it went too far?" A boy with a mechanical yellow lid for a head said. "This is getting my glue gunked up!"

All Might hesitantly stayed silent for a moment before turning back to the class, "My Students...I know this May Seem Brutal, But This is The Reality Of Hero Work. You Must Get Rougher and Rougher than You May Be Comfortable With. While What Dmitry Has Done May Be Considered UnSportsmen-Like He Did What A Hero Would Need To Do In This Situation, So Don't Hold This Against Them."

Battle Ground BETA

  "He's counting on me..." Feng strained to hear the approaching footsteps. His gaze shifted back to the weapon, his mind racing to determine the best course of action. He was their last line of defense, but his Talisman's Paralysis had its limitations and couldn't be stacked. As his opponent burst through the door, Feng found himself caught off guard.

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