Twenty Five~

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Tengen's thoughts of you!


Aries: "They have the perfect mix of courage and flamboyance! I'm almost jealous!"

Taurus: "They're flamboyant attitude is on par with mine! They're a great person to be around!"

Gemini: "They're an odd one but my wives love them so I guess they're alright."

Cancer: "Ugh, them? They're all over the place most times, it's so irritating."

Leo: "Almost everything about them is flamboyant! They're strong and their determination is incredible! Decent personality too! It's fun to hang out with them."

Virgo: "It can be so dreary to hang around them sometimes. Although, they're a hard-worker so I'll give 'em that."

Libra: "It can get agitating to have to deal with them for too long but they have a nice face. Infiltration missions go smoothly whenever they tag along."

Scorpio: "They're annoying. Not flamboyant at all."

Sagittarius: "They're good company to have around and they can be pretty flashy at times so they're good in my book."

Capricorn: "That melancholic vibe that they have going on is depressing and not flamboyant in the slightest. They're a good ally to have though."

Aquarius: "They're fun sometimes and can become really flashy in a fight too!"

Pisces: They're quiet but can be flamboyant when they want too. We get along pretty well."

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