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Obanai's thoughts of you!


Aries: "They're never one to let others get them down and although they can be bold at times we get along."

Taurus: "They're so full of themselves it's irritating. We don't usually get along."

Gemini: "They raise my stress levels to abnormal heights. I tend to stay away from them."

Cancer: "They always look like they have a problem with everyone and it irritates me to no end."

Leo: "They're cocky but they're a strong ally to have so I don't complain."

Virgo: "They're always complaining and act like they're above everyone. I don't like them."

Libra: "They get along with Mitsuri and are always flirting with everyone."

Scorpio: "They're always trying to protect everyone and tend to be aggressive but I respect them." 

Sagittarius: "They're honesty can sometimes lead to disputes between the others. It's usually amusing to watch but it can getting annoying after a while."

Capricorn: "I don't like them. They always look so serious it angers me."

Aquarius: "They're hardworking and nice to talk to. They can be a little much at times."

Pisces: "They're careless and it makes me nervous. I hope they don't die given that they're so compassionate and nice to everyone."

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