CH 3

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The star lights swirl around all of the walls and you and Jungkook began to dance. Your head is resting on the middle of his chest and you hear his heart skipping beats, "Are you nervous?" He holds you tight, "A little, I-" He pauses and you stop dancing, "It will be ok... Go get the restraints, I can handle anything. Where do you want me?"  He smirks, "Your bed is fine." When he leaves the room, your clothes are removed with a snap of a finger, and he runs back into the room. 

The lights from the stars ricochet off the diamonds in your body and he comes back and looks in awe at your beauty. He meets you on the bed and you two kiss with desire. You lay down and say, "I am yours, have your way with me." He ties your limbs to the bed and stares down at you, "Yn-." "Don't worry, I'll be fine." His kisses trail down your body and you stare at him. Goosebumps prickle all over your skin the lower he gets, when he reaches your abdomen he stops and stares at you, "Have you ever done this?" "No kookie." He snickers, "Good, I need to taste you." In shock, "Taste?!" 

His lip ring grazes at your clit before his tongue flicks and circles it. You instantly moan, "fuck." His orange eyes glow as he devours and hums against you. He looks up at you as you moan, "You ok?" You nod yes and he pushes 2 of his tattooed fingers inside you. You instantly get turned on watching the tattoos disappear inside you covered in your slick juices. "Mmm... jk. Ohh." Your eyes don't glaze over, and breathing becomes more shallow, and faster, as you are reaching your high.

 He moves his tongue back and forth fast and pumps his fingers faster. He smiles as you clench around his fingers, your hips twitch uncontrollably and he puts his tongue inside you. You are cumming down his throat as he circles your clit with his fingers that are soaked. He smiles, "I think we found a way to please you." You lay there shocked because the vision didn't come, it must be through penetration only. You are breathing heavily as he climbs on top of you and kisses your lips. 

He stares at you before thrusting, and you smile at him. Before you know it, his large dick is inside you. He smiles as you squeeze around him, he holds your hips and moans as he goes fast and hard. The visions start almost instantly, he's the biggest you ever had, you moan, "a-aaahh."  He stops thrusting and asks if you should grab the protection. You know it won't help and you tell him yes anyway. 

He comes back into the room covered, "Are you ready?" He is pushing inside your tight walls, "oh fuck, oh fuck." All this does is prolong the inevitable, the gems feel good with the thin latex covered but eventually, skin-to-skin contact happens and you feel more of him. You start to throb, "Nooo, faster.... faster." He nods, "quiet, I'll take care of you." You squirm under him the best that you can, and your body starts to get uncomfortably hot, drenched in sweat, you feel like you're burning. The blank stare spreads across your face and you start to slip into a daze. He moans "fuck yn, you are doing so good." 

You moan through his movements, "oh god, oh please... No," The claws are just starting to form when your visions flashback to the battle. You are holding a shield over the two of you and there is smoke and fire surrounding you when a few more thrusts you hear, "Unghhh." in the distance. Then he fills your tight cunt. You slowly come back and stare at him. His head is in the crook of your neck and he's breathing heavily, "I don't think it worked." You laugh, "No shit. I told you but you insisted."

 He chuckles, "I wanted to prove you wrong." Your fingers snap and the restraints are off, "You should trust me more, I'm smarter than you think." His warm breath grazes your neck, "You can't always be right... What did you see? " You wince as he pulls out of you, "Everything was kind of hazy...I was protecting you with a shield, I don't know if bombs were falling on us or not." His facial expression drops, "and did you see? " Shaking your head, "No, you finished before I could see."  

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