CH 5

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"Are ya'll ready to go?... Nothing else to see here." They shuffle towards you, unsure what to say, they know you are enraged. Back at work, you scream, "THE NEXT TIME I SAY WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE. LISTEN... I DON'T SPEAK JUST TO HEAR MYSELF TALK... DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT... WE COULD HAVE STOPPED IT!!!" Jungkook tries to go after you but Namjoon puts his hand across his chest and tells him no.

As he knows, you just need time to blow off steam. You are so pissed, "ALL MUSCLES AND NO FUCKING BRAINS.." A chair goes flying across the room and hits a wall, you stomp out of there and go home. You start cleaning up in the shower and Kookie is in your thoughts, "YN, please." "Not now," and you snap your fingers, blocking thoughts for the rest of the day. Sitting on the shower floor, letting the water run over your body.

You are in shambles, unable to catch your breath. How could you let this happen? You always knew to trust your feelings... For once, you were too late to help and this pain was eating you alive. You get dressed and go lay under your favorite pink willow tree in the woods, closing your eyes, with your favorite song, and the warmth of the sun washes on your skin. This was your favorite spot to relax when your stress was high.

It is so peaceful, to lay there and not think about the event of the day, just vibes

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It is so peaceful, to lay there and not think about the event of the day, just vibes. You lay there soaking up the rays when suddenly a shadow is across your frame. They were floating over you. "KOOKIE, leave me alone, go away." The figure doesn't move. Your eyes opened and the person moved slightly so the sun was blinding, you were squinting, and using your hand still unable to see. He glides down to you and lays down on top of you, "I missed you so much. Have you thought about my offer?"

You gaze at him, "NO." He stares at your lips before kissing you, he moans, "how about now?" You stare blankly at him, knowing the only way to see his demise. You cup his face, "why have you been stalking me?" His lip brushes yours, "because I've fallen for a goddess." Your face scrunches, "If you were in love, we wouldn't have fought... What do you need?" Your eyes start to glow, "What do you want? You don't belong-"

He kisses your neck while lifting your blue dress, you moan, "If we do this... You have to leave my people alone." He smiles and kisses you hungrier, his tongue shoves into your mouth and his hands reach the hem of your underwear, "You won't need these." You watch him discard them to the side and remove his clothes.

You look down and think: Oh my god, he's way too big. It's going to hurt... I kn- An evil lust spreads across his face, "I knew you'd let me in." The head rest against your opening, he's biting on your neck before inserting slowly, and carefully. His brows furrow, "tight." His head is by your ear and his body is close to yours as he thrusts hard. "Mhmm... Ouch... Jin."

You really don't want to do this but holding your legs farther back so he could plunge more into you, will speed up the process. He leans up to watch your face, his large girthy dick rubs against your slick walls with every push. You look down to see him move in and out of you. He follows your gaze, "mmm." He hits all of your spots, you squeeze around him, and your core starts to pulse. He sits up to pin your legs farther down, he rams into you so much you start to ache. Two of your fingers circle your clit just as fast as he's going.

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