Ch 6- Sad Ending

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*** Listen to Guardians at the gate- kevin rxx**

A month passed and you have not seen Jin anywhere. It was eerily peaceful until one day, you were walking through the maze with your boyfriend. The air suddenly gets thick, darkness slowly rolls in. You call Namjoon, "ITS TIME." You teleport your army into their designated places. Your skin turns dark purple and so does Jungkooks, ready for battle.

The knife-life claws appear, "Kookie, you look hot... Are you ready?" You snap and the shields, guns, and daggers fly to you guys. "Let's go." Teleporting to Namjoon on the field, "Everyone in place Goddess, everything is happening, just like you said." The ominous figure returns hovering over your beautiful land, and he opens up black holes in the sky and his army descends onto your land.

"NAMJOON, Are you ready?" He smiles, "Goddess, I'm always ready to fight side by side with you til my last breath." You glance over at Jungkook, "My love you got this." He gives a nervous nod as you watch Jins' army inch closer to yours. Breathing in hard, steady, steady, steady... Signaling the archers to shoot first to reduce the number, then you scream, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Your army rush through their men with your guns and swords, half of their army is defeated when the rain of fire starts, and more of his men fall, using your daggers and swords plow through the field of men when you see the bomb coming towards Junkgook. You run to him and shield him, the force field is above you two as the fire and smoke engulf you two. "I got you, babe," as you grab his hand and pick him up.

He spins you around and throws you to the ground. You hear a thud and an audible gasp. You quickly turn and see him slumped over before falling. You rush by his side and put the shield around you two. "NO, NO, NO... Jungkook.... please." Blood pools around him, squeeze his hand and your free hand runs through his hair, "Yn, I'm glad to have met you..." "Babe, just breathe, it's gonna be ok... I love you."

The tears roll down your cheeks, "Jungkook, don't leave me... Please... I fucking need you... We're meant to be together." He chokes as he tries to speak, "I- I... love, you... Tha- Thank-". Blood fills his mouth as he takes his last breath. You scream, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." You collapse on him and sob uncontrollably. You clutch his hands tightly, blood covering your pants and you close his eyes and kiss his forehead.

You find Namjoon immediately and tell him while fighting the army around you, "NAMJOON, I... Jungkook, he... I'm going to get Jin. If I don't make it back, you rule over the Galaxies. You were my best friend... I love you." He nods, "Yn, please don't.....," he knows pleading does not help and gets instantly sad, "I love you too."

***Heart of courage- london music works***

You two bumped fists and your swords were drawn, destroying every man in your path until you reach him. "JIN, stop this.." He laughs, " I told you my plans, now that he's gone, be mine." Your swords close to his face, "As I promised... I will rip your fucking head off." You two fight in the sky, you knock the sword out of his hand and he punches your ribs until your sword falls.

You remember the vision but have to get close. You raise your hands and gravitate toward him, "truce." You kiss his big lips and you double-tap his forehead as you teleport to your abandoned planet. When you do this, it causes total destruction. You hold him tight so he doesn't try to escape. This is what causes your demise too, as both of your bodies begin to burn and you two become ashes in the wind.

On the battlegrounds, all of Jins' army crumbles and burst into flames and the battle was over. Namjoon looked all over for you to return. He looks to the sky waiting to see if you'd come back. After waiting for 20 minutes, he realized that you sacrificed yourself to save the planet. His fists ball up, "No, she can't leave us like this. NO!"

He screams loudly and falls to the ground crying. The soldiers rush to his aid, Namjoon is completely distraught, repeating, "Not like this." The troops round up Jungkook and the fallen soldiers to prepare their final goodbye at the funeral tonight. The pillars were set up to give the warriors a proper ceremony and it commenced with the burning of the troops. Lanterns were lit and the people let them float through the air as a symbol of the souls lost. Their ashes will be placed in the hall of heroes.

This place was a white pearl room with engraved golden jars that kept the ashes safe

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This place was a white pearl room with engraved golden jars that kept the ashes safe. The jars were then placed in a glass display with their picture to keep as a memory. Though you had no ashes, Namjoon placed you and Jungkook together in the leaders' hall where they contained holographic videos next to their ashes placed in platinum jars. Namjoon promised to lead the people, the best that he could and often thought about your guidance in the days that followed.

AN: This was hard to write but we made it to the end. My gc was doing a fic fest for Halloween. It's not very scary but it helped me tap into some type of imagination a little bit. You can read both endings or just this one. It is a bit darker as it is loosely inspired by a mixture of fantasy movies, marvel, and sci-fi. I had fun writing this. Also, it is my first time incorporating youtube into the chapter. I used the two songs to help me write the battle scenes. The links to the songs I used to write this fic will be tagged in the synopsis. Thank you for reading, have a beautiful day lovelies.

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