Ch 6- Happy Ending

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*** Listen to Guardians at the gate- kevin rix

A month passed and you have not seen Jin anywhere. It was eerily peaceful until one day, you were walking through the maze with your boyfriend. The air suddenly gets thick, darkness slowly rolls in. You call Namjoon, "ITS TIME." You teleport your army into their designated places. Your skin turns dark purple and so does Jungkooks, ready for battle. 

The knife-life claws appear, "Kookie, you look hot... Are you ready?"  You snap and the shields, guns, and daggers fly to you guys. "Let's go." Teleporting to Namjoon on the field, "Everyone in place Goddess, everything is happening, just like you said." The ominous figure returns hovering over your beautiful land, and he opens up black holes in the sky and his army descends onto your land. "NAMJOON, Are you ready?" 

He smiles, "Goddess, I'm always ready to fight side by side with you til my last breath." You glance over at Jungkook, "My love you got this." He gives a nervous nod as you watch Jins' army inch closer to yours. Breathing in hard, steady, steady... Signaling the archers to shoot first to reduce the number, then you scream, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" 

Your army rush through their men with your guns and swords, half of their army is defeated when the rain of fire starts, and more of his men fall, using your daggers and swords to plow through the field of men when you see the bombs coming towards Junkgook.

You run to him and shield him, the force field is above you two as the fire and smoke engulfs you. "I got you, babe," as you grab his hand and pick him up. You look at him with worry and decide he should go home. You promised to keep him safe and didn't want anything to happen. With the shields still around you, "Jungkook, I'm sending you back... I need you to be around for a long time."

You kiss him passionately and he shakes his head no. "I said I'd fight with you, babe." Your thumbs brush his lip, "I promise, I will come back to you, I love you." You hug him tight and teleport him back home. The feel of his lips still tingles on yours as he goes. You find Namjoon and tell him that you are going to talk Jin into surrendering.

 His eyes get wide, "Yn, do you think it's a good idea." "Yes, maybe we can try something new Joonie... This might be our only solution. If anything happens just remember, you'll be the new leader... I love you, friend." His head shakes but knows he can't persuade you to change your mind, " I love you too,"  and hugs you goodbye.

 ***Heart of courage- london music works

You two bump fists and draw your swords, destroying every man in your path until you reach him. "JIN, stop this.." He laughs, "Why should I?" "I gave you what you wanted... You promised to leave after.."  He chuckles, "I changed my mind. Come and be with me,  I see you are already starting to turn." You draw your swords close to his face, "What can I do for you to leave us alone?" 

You punched him in the face and he grabs your hand before another one can land. You gravitate towards him and look into his black eyes, "If you want me to be with you... Jungkook comes with us and you stop all of this ." He slices your arm with his sword and grabs your hands. You wince in pain, "I want a truce, Jin..."  You kiss him on the lips and you guys slowly descend back to the ground. He raises his hand and snaps, and before you know it, his army returns to the black hole and into the abyss. 

You rush to Namjoon and see if he's ok and he nods yes. He stares at Jin and is ready to lunge at him, "Namjoon, wait... Jin and I had a deal... he's going to be one of us now."  He yells, "ARE YOU CRAZY!!!" "At least the war stopped, it will be ok, continue to trust me... Please."  You hug him goodbye.  You grab a hold of Jin and teleport to Jungkooks house, and tell him to wait for you outside. 

He opens the door right away and picks you up and kisses you. You sigh and tell him you kind of made a deal with the villain. He puts you down, "WHAT? WHY?" "I did it for us... He agreed to change, it's going to be ok. " His face scrunched, "I guess... You did say to believe in you... So..." You invite Jin into the house and you introduce them to each other. Kookie scoffs and goes to his room.

 You follow him and plead that this was the only way to protect everyone, that you three will have to be one unit to work things out. He huffs, "fine." Standing on your tip toes and kissing his lips, "I'm sorry, I love you."  You walk him to the bed and kiss him passionately. You get lost in his touch and eyes full of desire, you smile"Mhm, I want to fuck you." 

His hand rests on the back of your neck and smiles for a moment, "What about... him?" You look towards the doorway and Jin is standing there, you grin, "he can  join us?" He bites your bottom lip as you grind on him, "But... yn... Are you serious... Are you sure?" You motion for Jin to move closer to the bed. "I'm ready if you two are, if it gets bad we can go to our favorite place Kookie."  

You stand up and yanked off your clothes and kiss Jin on his big plump lips and help remove his clothes. Stroking his length while Jungkook takes off gets naked. Your cunt already clenches at the thought of both of them being inside you. You glance over to see Jungkook stroking himself and join him on the bed. Straddling him and rocking your hips back and forth, covering him in your wetness. He smiles looking at your face while you guide him into you. 

Jin is laying beside you two as you press your body close to JK as he thrusts into you. You reach over to stroke Jin fast in your hand and moan to your touch, "fuck yn." Your wetness pools around Jk as he's bouncing you on him, you moan uncontrollably.  You kiss Jungkook and get lost in the feeling of him when Jin shifts behind you. Jin gets his massive dick lubed up before entering your puckered hole. 

You gasp, "OH FUCK!!" He pushes all the way and tears stream down your face, "fuck Jin, ow." Jungkooks eyes snap shut as your hips move back and forth fast on his dick and hold onto your waist, "YN... shit." It hurts you at first but the pleasure soon takes over. Kookie opens his eyes when he hears you cry out, "baby, are you ok?" Jin thrust harder into you before you could eventually answer, "Yess... Mmmm... F-fuck yes." 

Jin grabs one of your arms and wildly rolls his hips into you. Your eyes don't glaze over as you clench around both men, you don't get any visions. Satisfaction waves over your body and you whine because their massiveness is rubbing every inch of your walls. You cum around JK and they begin to chase their high. They let out high-pitched moans before releasing their warm cum inside your holes, filling you so much it starts to drip out. 

Jin pulls out and lies on the bed and takes a few deep breaths. You lay on top of Jungkook, catching your breath and feel JKs' deep voice rumble on your face, "No visions?" You tell him no. Unsure of why this happened but you felt blissful. You kiss him on the lips, "I think we're all going to be great together."  You stare at Jin with a smile on your face. None of you know the plans for the future but your motto is to take things day by day. Though this didn't always work in your favor, it is what you three will do for now, until you all figure it out. 

 AN: This was hard to write but we made it to the end. My gc was doing a fic fest for Halloween. It's not very scary but it helped me tap into some type of imagination a little bit. You do not have to read both endings as they are mostly the same. I enjoyed coming up with this. I used the two songs to help me write the battle scenes. The links to the songs I used to write this fic will be tagged in the synopsis.  I started this story about a fairy in the summer but changed it to aliens almost two months ago. I'm happy with the end result. Thank you for reading, have a beautiful day lovelies.

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